Confederate Cannons Cleaned Out Of Memphis Park – IOTW Report

Confederate Cannons Cleaned Out Of Memphis Park

DC: A nonprofit organization removed Confederate cannons from a Memphis park Wednesday after cleaning out its statues of former President Jefferson Davis and Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Memphis Greenspace Inc took down four cannon replicas in Fourth Bluff Park, reported Fox13. The Sons of Confederate Veterans purchased and installed the cannons in 2012.

“I think it’s disturbing that anything historical has got to come down and parks have to be devastated and get cleaned out,” Lee Millar, a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans, told Fox13, claiming that Memphis Greenspace was violating a court injunction by removing the cannons. “Look at that pile of rubble back there. Does that look like it’s being preserved? Not at all.”

Davidson County Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle issued the injunction Millar cited in January, but the order only temporarily barred Memphis Greenspace from removing Confederate statues, according to Commercial Appeal. Lyle lifted the injunction in May and said the nonprofit’s removal of the statues was legal because the park became private property when Memphis transferred its ownership to Memphis Greenspace.

“It’s looking good, it’s a clean slate now,” Memphis Greenspace CEO Van Turner told Fox13, classifying removal of the Confederate monuments and other memorabilia as steps taken to keep the park safe. “We are going to allow Memphians to decide what they want in this space.”  more here

31 Comments on Confederate Cannons Cleaned Out Of Memphis Park

  1. Meanwhile the high school down the street from me is still named in honor of the most virulent racist/segregationist President in the last 150 years is still named after in honor of Woodrow Wilson.

    Living in a community that demands that black students are left with only the Hobbseian choice between attending a school named in honor of one of, if not the most virulent segregationist Presidents in the last 150 years, that is located right in their own neighborhood, or going elsewhere if they wish to attend public school, is not just wrong, it is obscene.

    But so long as Democrats who identify with the progressive movement run the show around her, this will not be addressed.

  2. Progressives should have a field day in West Virginia removing all of the Robert Byrd memorabilia and changing the names of all of the structures that have his name on them.

  3. I hope the SoCV get to keep the cannon replicas….. If not, I am pretty sure one would look great in my front yard!!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Secession was about slavery and the greed of slave holders to keep the wealth it generated, but the war was about a greedy federal government bent on keeping the tariff revenues and cheap cotton for northern mills. . . generated mostly by slavery.

  5. Throughout history there are waves of groups that wipeout the structures of the culture that preceded them, and in general they are held in low esteem by the following generations for destroying the history of the locations. Catholic church destroyed the pagan statues of the pacific islanders, the Muslims have destroyed the Hindu statues, ISIS destroyed the tombs of the patriarchs etc. This bunch that is ignorant of the real history & culture of the south (or America as a whole), and are just useful idiots for someone and will be remembered as being as bigoted as the ones who came before them.

  6. Speaking as a “damned Yankee,” my family fought that war…but we still recognized the other side as Americans; difference of opinion, especially over the northern tariffs. DO NOT LET THEM SILENCE THE VOICE OF HISTORY; Rifles.

  7. @ Aaron Burr – yes that maybe true, but this is not about the South, a proud South, this is about eradicating modern WHITEY and don’t forget that.

    All things WHITE are on the chopping block.

    Except Hamilton they like the bastard…even though he was an adjunct to GW…

    Il Supremo, Andy Boy, excercized his totalitarian right to remove the busts of Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

    Lincoln wanted Lee but Lee wanted Virginia…but Andy is a dum dum and does not know this.


  8. Lowell, try what again? Spend another night with your mother? No thanks friend.

    Col. Glover. No. It’s about letting people who are fed up/bored/unconnected to the Confederacy to move on.

    You either look at a statue of general Lee and think, “fuck that guy” or
    you look at the statue and you take your hat off and let a tear slip down your cheek.

    The “fuck this guy” camp is winning.

  9. i love the confederacy.

    there has never been a gov’t on US soil that I love so much as the confederacy.

    The south shall rise again.

    i am not a shill.
    i love the confederacy.
    if you don’t like having me write this on your site, tough

  10. @ Aaron Burr – So when Lincoln was rejected by Lee, Lee was forced to leave Arlington, Lincoln seized his property. YOU know what this became correct? There is a memorial there now, many of them, to the Confederates that DIED in battle. Should it be removed? Among the THOUSANDS that perished for their cause?

    Gettysburg – The largest collection of public art, I think in the WORLD, shall we remove that which was dedicated to the Confederacy?

    Should Lee’s Barracks name at West Point be removed??

    Let’s erase it per @ BFH posted photo.

    Yes I am fedup / not bored / and connected enough to know and understand that the removal of ART itself, the sculptors, in most cases is not even a discussion point. WHY?

    Don’t be nasty with Lowell. He asked for a clarification and you ask about his mom??

    Does history intimidate you? Or Moms?

    Have a discussion or NOT.


  11. This event in Memphis was preceded by a dead-of-night removal of Nathan Bedford Forrest’s statue immediately after the park in which it was located was sold to a private group funded by city grant money for $1. A Court ruled the sale was legal.

    During the BLM protests which shutdown the interstate at the Mississippi River bridge, the Police Director walked arm in arm with protestors. So removal of the statue and cannons was predictable.

  12. @ mike oxbig – Thank you for your honesty but I inherently disagree!

    Best form of a Republic, on North American soil was the Iroqouis Nation (British allies) in NY around 1700.

    Jefferson was influenced by them.

    GW fought the Algondquin in the French and Indian War and then Sullivan and others dug way in.

    The Preservation of the Union, a fairly new Union only 80 years, was critical.

    What if the same amount of soldiers died and the Confederacy won, then what??

    What about the truth that the north had more industry?

    What IF the farmers and plantation owners of the South actually won?

    @ Since Aaron Burr gave up…

  13. From Aaron: “You either look at a statue of general Lee and think, “fuck that guy” or you look at the statue and you take your hat off and let a tear slip down your cheek.”

    I do neither. With most art like this (bronze sculpture) first I look at the skill level of the artist. Some are sublime in what they capture of their subject. Some others should have stuck to playdoh.

    Pieces of this period I then look at as participants in a chapter of history. We usually don’t commemorate the good times. These people had their lives changed and never for the better. The side of the conflict they were on doesn’t change that.

    These are mileposts in human form of our past of pain and loss. Of turmoil and strife and what could have been the end of our nation at the time.

    We had a fight in the family of monumental scale. Hence, monuments, dedicated to both side’s major actors.

    And what exactly that rendered the placements innocuous for so many previous presidential administrations was removed, making them horrific, when a yankee named Trump was elected?

  14. Put up statues of Obozo and dickHolder and JayZ and Revrumps Jackson and Sharpton.

    So the ‘peeps of color’, aka “their people”, can commemorate their betrayers who sold them not into slavery, but as the subclass of people who must be deemed irresponsible, stupid and without ambition. To be protected by special rules and not held accountable to the laws that others must obey.


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