Alexandria Occasional-Cortex tours the west coast… but where are the celebrities? – IOTW Report

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex tours the west coast… but where are the celebrities?

Interestingly, when former President Barack Obama released names of candidates he was endorsing recently, Ocasio-Cortez was noticeably absent from the list.


Ocasio-Cortez West Coast tour avoids Hollywood elites, but who’s shunning who?

New York Democratic congressional nominee Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s West Coast tour raises a lot of questions, beginning with who is shunning who?

The democrat socialist darling paid a visit to the homeless in Los Angeles’ Skid Row neighborhood, met with social justice activists and held low-dollar fundraisers, Fox News reported, but she hasn’t had any “glitzy events with high-profile Democratic donors and Hollywood celebrities.”

You know, the “glitzy” fundraisers former President Barack Obama was famous for.

All of which compelled The Hollywood Reporter to ask, “Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Too Far Left for Hollywood?”

The celebrity news source noted that Ocasio-Cortez “isn’t meeting with traditional Hollywood power brokers for now.”

But again, who’s shunning who? MORE

13 Comments on Alexandria Occasional-Cortex tours the west coast… but where are the celebrities?

  1. The simple truth is that either (a) AOC decided not to pursue the slibs*, or (b) the slibs decided not to be boosters for AOC. The simplest one is (a), the decision of a single person. For (b) to be the case, a large number of very politically stupid people would have to agree to act together, possible but less likely. I don’t quite believe I actually spent the time and energy to write that, because I just don’t give a rat’s ass.

    * American term for “celebrity” is “celeb”. Brit term for “celeb” is “sleb”. So a liberal celebrity would be a “slib”.

  2. She’s the real deal. A serious as a heart attack despot. Devotion to “The State” overides status. She’s way past old commie guardians, Barry and Hellary. Hollyweird may be avoiding her now, but she’ll demand their support if God forbid, she’s in a position of real power.


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