All Signs Suggest This Is Feinstein’s Former Staffer Who’s Accused Of Being A Chinese Spy – IOTW Report

All Signs Suggest This Is Feinstein’s Former Staffer Who’s Accused Of Being A Chinese Spy

DC: All the details of a former, longtime Sen. Dianne Feinstein staffer who’s accused of relaying information to Chinese intelligence services while working for the California Democrat point to Russell Lowe, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has determined.

Lowe worked for 20 years in Feinstein’s San Francisco office, where he was a staff liaison to the Asian-American community before leaving approximately five years ago. All those details match up with the descriptions of the Chinese spy Feinstein reportedly employed.

“Chinese intelligence once recruited a staff member at a California office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the source reported back to China about local politics,” Politico Magazine reported on July 27, describing the staffer as “a liaison to the local Chinese community” who was secretly “reporting back” to Chinese intelligence services.

Since then, more details have emerged about the alleged spy, including that he worked for Feinstein for 20 years, “attended Chinese consulate functions for the senator” and was fired five years ago.

All of those details point to Lowe, who was listed on Feinstein’s payroll as an “office director” in 2013, according to records maintained by the Sunlight Foundation. more

9 Comments on All Signs Suggest This Is Feinstein’s Former Staffer Who’s Accused Of Being A Chinese Spy

  1. Di-Fi could kick newborn puppies off the Golden Gate bridge and the stupid fuckers of Cali will still re-elect her.

    This news only gives her more publicity.

  2. Chinese spies are rampant across the country and this idiot allows one right into her inner circle. No telling how many secrets she blabbed while trying to impress one of the “little people” around her.
    And typical of her usual behavior if confronted with questions about it she’ll become indignant about what she considers an insult.

  3. Feinstein said Lowe “never had access to sensitive information”. What a load of bullshit; she has been living in California so long, she thinks ALL Americans are just as stupid. Feinstein is on the intelligence committee, right? God help us.

  4. He was her ‘office director.’ He had access to everything.
    This should be headline banner, front page news.
    The day before yesterday he was her chauffeur, who they let go when they ‘found out’ he was being recruited. Today he is her office manager who worked for her for 20 years. And her husband profited from chinese investments. They’re trickling this out, it is so bad.
    Maybe she was working for him.

  5. At CTH, we learn from research by @almostjingo that DiFi’s association with Lowe began a lot more than 20 years ago. It looks like he was some kind assistant in the “late 70s” from an undated photo showing him doing voter registration assistance.

    Just to jog your memory, Chairman Mousie Dung’s reign lasted until September of 1976. I can’t imagine Lowe being anything other than a Moaist.


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