NPR Host Eye-Rolls Omarosa Manigault’s Allegations against President Trump – IOTW Report

NPR Host Eye-Rolls Omarosa Manigault’s Allegations against President Trump

Daily Caller:

NPR Host Calls Out Omarosa Over Discrepancy In Trump Racism Allegation.

In an interview Friday, former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman contradicted a claim in her forthcoming book that she heard a tape of President Trump using the “n-word.”

Manigault Newman insisted in an NPR interview that she heard Trump utter the pejorative in an audio file recorded on the set of “The Apprentice.”

“Hearing it changed everything for me,” Manigault Newman told NPR host Rachel Martin.

“I heard the President of the United States use, not only the ‘n-word,’ but as Bill Pruitt described during that interview, other horrible things during the production of ‘The Apprentice,’” she continued. Pruitt is a former “Apprentice” producer who claimed before the 2016 election that tapes existed of Trump making racial comments about black people.

But as Martin noted in the interview, Manigault Newman wrote in her book, “Unhinged,” that she was merely told of the tape. She does not suggest in the tell-all that she has actually heard Trump’s voice.

In the book, due out Tuesday, Manigault Newman wrote that she spoke by phone about the tape to a person who she refuses to name.  MORE

10 Comments on NPR Host Eye-Rolls Omarosa Manigault’s Allegations against President Trump

  1. Guess what Ms. Amnesia, or what ever your name is. “I. DONT. CARE””.
    Talk is cheap, less than a cup of coffee, slightly more than a whore.
    Trump is my President and I don’t care what he said in a locker room, whom he had sex with or if he wipes his dick on a blue dress.
    He IS making America great again and I stand behind him 100%.
    Go makes some sammiwitches. I like pickles and mayo on mine.

  2. sooooo … the Socialist/Communists, who all told us that Clinton & Obama were the ‘new thing’ & said we needed to get over their antics & ‘move on’, are now whining their collective sissy asses off & clutching their pearls over Trump?

    ….. puleeeeeeeeze

    (they wear pussy hats yet get their panties in such a wad? … there’s a correlation there somewhere)

  3. It’s not a high priority to me, but I’m still trying to figure out how this woman managed to go completely off the rails like this? Was it ego? Money? I thought she was such great friends with POTUS. Seems she was just another opportunist cashing in on her proximity to DJT.


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