…And on Friday, they’ll all coordinate outfits – IOTW Report

…And on Friday, they’ll all coordinate outfits

Patriot Retort: On Thursday, apparently the so-called “Free Press” across the country will coordinate editorial hit jobs against President Trump.

Because it’s not propaganda when the newspapers all get together and write the same thing.

Brian Stelter

On Thursday, more than 100 newspapers will publish editorials decrying Trump’s anti-press rhetoric. The # of participating papers keeps growing. Here’s my full story https://money.cnn.com/2018/08/11/media/boston-globe-free-press-editorial/index.html 

“Hey guys. How about we all get together and write the exact same kind of editorial on Thursday. Because, you know, we have to defend the Free and Independent Press,” said no Free and Independent Press ever.

Doesn’t this sound like something high school girls do?  MORE

15 Comments on …And on Friday, they’ll all coordinate outfits

  1. The media is my enemy and has been for many years before President Trump.
    Remember how the New York Times had like 60 front page Abu Grahib stories in 60 days?
    Only my enemy would do that.
    President Bush just let it happen.
    President Trump does not – he calls out the enemy’s actions.

  2. How will we tell the difference? In order to have an impact, I would think something other than the usual Trump and Trump supporters hate crap, would have to be written.

    Typical leftist nonsensical thinking.

  3. The legacy media witnessed the awesome fascist power of social media, and this is the best they could come up with in response. I almost feel embarrassed for them.

  4. The only reason the press continues to exist in it’s present form is due to the large numbers of stupid people in this country who they are happy to exploit.
    The ill informed hold alot of sway in this country sad to say.

  5. Ha ha!

    Nothing screams “Conspiratorial (or Collusive) Anti-American Propaganda” more than 100 papers putting out the same tenor of drivel against a Pro-American President!

    They make the case far more forcefully than President Trump can with his limited “twitter” shit. And they’re totally unaware that their posturing proves his case.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. So a free and independent press is sick of Trump saying they collude on their fake news, so the all get together (no independence), join in writing the same story (actual collusion), that is fake news (because they are the center of the piece – not reporting an observed exterior action). Makes sense.

  7. Just like the #parrotmedia “walls closing in” on Trump when the Manafort trial started. Just like the 4am call to have a coordinated attack by all the left media against Qanon. The desperation by the left is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

    They just don’t get it. The old playbook does not work anymore cause the masses have been numbed to it. Call me a racist, call me a bigot, call me a xenophobe or whatever. It’s like trying to stop Superman with regular bullets, they just bounce off. Hey, lets all fire our guns at the same time, that should stop Superman LOL.


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