Get the smelling salts for WaPo! Trump posed with motorcyclists who wore sexist patches!!11! – IOTW Report

Get the smelling salts for WaPo! Trump posed with motorcyclists who wore sexist patches!!11!

[…] One of the patches seemed to ruffle the feathers of one reporter, who called it “sexist.” The patch in question features an image of a topless woman with guns covering her breasts and the caption, “I [heart] guns and t***ies.”

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20 Comments on Get the smelling salts for WaPo! Trump posed with motorcyclists who wore sexist patches!!11!

  1. If the Post is against it it must be good, at least for American. Based on their “reporting” since 1950! Reading comprehension in ’49 was not high enough to detect America hate clearly.

    BTW. why has the Post been such a strong supporter of Stormy the last 6 months? I detector progressive 2 standard reporting. Which BTW has been a standard at the Post for at least 68 years!

    Stormy tits very good, wholesome – Trump supporter tits very bad, “sexists”!

    And they pretend to not understand why paper sales have been on the decline for 40 years! Right! Sure they have no idea why people do not want to read hate America propaganda!

  2. Quote:
    “The Root has been unable to confirm whether this guy was sporting the Nazi “bolts” as white supremacists call them, but he does sport a “Bikers for Trump” patch on his jacket, which makes those bikers in attendance Nazi sympathizers.”

    Well the local Cleveland Sunday Night Radio Racist (who gets free equal opportunity air time) was spewing about how these bikers were sporting SS and Swastika patches and tattoos proving that Trump is a White Supremacist and that a majority of Americans believe that President Trump is a racist!
    So there ya have it! The “truth” as some would have you believe from Hate Merchants who thrive on division!

  3. But yet the WaPoo found nothing, not a single thing offensive about the signs carried and the things said by the Antifa crowd (sorry, I meant “anti-hate” crowd) over the weekend.

  4. Then how, pray tell, does the Washington Post feel about Dykes on Bikes?

    Leather vests with patches……check
    Exposed breasts….check
    Guns……most likely in CCW and Open Carry states

  5. 1st amendment and boobs!

    How does liking a bodily attribute make you sexist?
    If that was the case, ALL of Facebook is sexist, it’s based on likes.
    Anyone that finds attraction in someone else is sexist, on the same grounds.

    Just as if there was a copy of a tape with Trump saying Nigger. If that makes someone racist, then every black in every rap song is racist.
    Yet Mooch and Barack can dance to racist AND sexist raps rapped by a true racist and sexist artist, and it’s so adorable. No double standard, huh, media?


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