Trump campaign files complaint against Omarosa, says she breached confidentiality agreement – IOTW Report

Trump campaign files complaint against Omarosa, says she breached confidentiality agreement

FOX: The Trump campaign has filed a formal complaint against Omarosa Manigault Newman saying she breached a confidentiality agreement signed in 2016, in response to her newly released book and promotional tour.

“Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. has filed an arbitration against Omarosa Manigault Newman, with the American Arbitration Association in New York City, for breach of her 2016 confidentiality agreement with the Trump Campaign,” a Trump campaign official told Fox News in a statement on Tuesday.

The move comes as the reality TV star’s explosive tell-all memoir is released, detailing her time at the White House and with the 2016 campaign.

In the book and in promotional interviews, she has trashed her former colleagues and President Trump himself.

But the question of whether she violated any confidentiality agreement has hung over the tour.

In her book, she claimed that she “refused” to sign a non-disclosure agreement upon her exit from the Trump White House. But on Monday, Trump tweeted that “Wacky Omarosa already has a fully signed Non-Disclosure Agreement!”   MORE


SNIP: Even the Left thinks she’s crazy.  Maybe she can team up with Wolffe.  Remember him?

16 Comments on Trump campaign files complaint against Omarosa, says she breached confidentiality agreement

  1. @Mithrandir,
    Say it ain’t so. My bullshit tolerance meter blew out months ago with the whole stormy prostitute ‘story’.
    I can’t handle OMAROSA of all people, being broadcast and given airtime just because she commited treason and is a whiny little entitled bitch. 😧

  2. ^Wow, you’re a racist and a fool. 🙂
    Judging anyone because of the color of their skin or facial features is incredibly ignorant and hateful.

    Omarosa could’ve been born white and she’d still have ended up a social climbing spider who backstabs without a thought.

    A evil person is an evil person, race has nothing to do with the soul.

  3. Exactly , chuffed-beyond-words. Johnathan must think Hellary’s a nun. What an idiotic, juvenile comment. Is he 10 yrs old? Skin color has nothing to o with character.

  4. Anyone who knows anything of O-moo-roosa knows her character and ethics. What was Trump thinking of using her in his administration unless it was only to demonstrate his big heart.

    Remember his story about the vicious animal who couldn’t or wouldn’t change it’s nature?


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