FBI warns about potential ‘unlimited’ ATM heist worth millions – IOTW Report

FBI warns about potential ‘unlimited’ ATM heist worth millions

USA today: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned banks in the U.S. of an impending cybercrime, a heist called an “ATM cash-out,” in which thieves seek to swipe millions of dollars by using cloned ATM cards for fraudulent withdrawals.

This globally organized effort could be instigated soon, the FBI told banks Friday, with cybercriminals attempting to amass millions of dollars within a few hours, according to the confidential alert obtained by security researcher Brian Krebs.

“The FBI has obtained unspecified reporting indicating cyber criminals are planning to conduct a global Automated Teller Machine (ATM) cash-out scheme in the coming days, likely associated with an unknown card issuer breach and commonly referred to as an ‘unlimited operation,’ ” the alert said, Krebs reported on his blog.

In an unlimited operation, cybercriminals deploy malware to obtain bank customer card information and network access in a way to execute massive ATM thefts, the FBI said, according to Krebs.

“Historic compromises have included small-to-medium size financial institutions, likely due to less robust implementation of cyber security controls, budgets, or third-party vendor vulnerabilities,” the FBI’s alert said. “The FBI expects the ubiquity of this activity to continue or possibly increase in the near future.”

The FBI, which would not comment on the specific alert, said in a statement: “The FBI routinely advises private industry of various cyber threat indicators observed during the course of our investigations. This data is provided in order to help systems administrators guard against the actions of persistent cyber criminals.”  more here

8 Comments on FBI warns about potential ‘unlimited’ ATM heist worth millions

  1. So the FIB is trying to warn us of a large scale financial scam. I have no doubt bad guys are trying but the FIB seems to lost their credibility when it comes to detailing how a crime may take place. For all we know they are the perps.TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!

  2. Speed the word. All the ATM’S are gonna start spitting out cash.

    It’s going to keep the dinna du nuffins up all night..
    Sitting out beside all the ATM’s in “Murica” waiting for the cash. Walmart is going to have a rough night. Gonna get thier piece of the action .

  3. And then we plan on arresting no one because we didnt think it had anything to do with Russian collusion and we didnt think a jury would convict since we (US gov) already steals billions daily.


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