Alex Jones suspended from Twitter after tweet calling to end censorship – IOTW Report

Alex Jones suspended from Twitter after tweet calling to end censorship

RT: Controversial right-wing commentator Alex Jones has been banned from tweeting after he posted a link to a video of himself calling on President Trump to “take action” against tech companies censoring his content.

Infowars Editor Paul Joseph Watson tweeted a screenshot of the notification sent by Twitter staff to Jones. According to Twitter, a tweet by Jones one day earlier was considered to be “targeted harassment,” and, as a result, the Infowars host would have his access to the social-media platform restricted for one week. Watson described the situation as “truly, monumentally, beyond stupid.”  MORE

5 Comments on Alex Jones suspended from Twitter after tweet calling to end censorship

    You have been suspended for posting something that is true
    that makes democRATs look like idiots.
    This is a violation of Twitter Community Standards.

  2. As long as Twitter doesn’t lose large amounts of users when they make these decisions nothing changes. Those who justify their Twitter use by saying they are battling from the front lines by using their platform are just plain wrong! Every user Twitter has is revenue. Feeding the beast.

  3. He could have tweeted about a ham sandwich and they would have banned him. Twitter couldn’t take the pressure to comply from the left. This will only encourage them to openly call to ban all those who oppose the left. Big Brother would be envious.

  4. It was a RADICALIZED ham sandwich, alright?
    And it was sliced up in an far right neo nazi deli.

    Seriously though, this attack on Jones is far too transparent, I believe that it’s going to backfire marvelously. Even if I can’t stand Alex Jones and I think that he’s either a great liar or nuts, he should be allowed to speak his mind. And I’m sure that many others agree with me, more democrats then you would think too.


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