Fallout builds from Cuomo’s ‘America never that great’ remark – IOTW Report

Fallout builds from Cuomo’s ‘America never that great’ remark



American Thinker: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is getting it from all sides from his incredibly inane remark on Wednesday, saying, “We are not going to make America great again.  It was never that great.”

Cuomo tried to back and fill in explaining those remarks, now claiming he was talking about women’s rights.

It isn’t working.

The state GOP trolled Cuomo by raising money to buy him a ticket to Canada.

18 Comments on Fallout builds from Cuomo’s ‘America never that great’ remark

  1. This is the problem with dems and identity politics. Speaking before an audience of feminists about inequality omits “others”. Same with LGBT, BLM, etc. Cuomo forgets this goes out on the airwaves and whammo, he’ll double down and pick from another group to “include”.

    Dems platform of intersectionality inclusiveness is akin to a 4-way stop sign where everyone thinks they have the right-of-way, resulting in a 4 car crash.

  2. Mario Cuomo is a major player for the Democratic Party. He’s basically a puppet for the party, so they must think the same of America. The Democrats have won major elections over the years, so they must be either largely responsible for America being just a so so nation or else a major factor in keeping it from being a great nation. I notice that despite America being a third world country in Cuomos eyes, he never packed up and moved along to better places.

  3. New Yorkers should ask Gov. Andrew how come the Foxconn is building and providing 20,000 job opportunities in Wisconsin…. Why not poverty and drug stricken upstate New York? Let’s hear why, Gov. Andrew. Is it because New York is “Not that Great”?

  4. The casual way this socialist
    scum revealed his hatred of America
    shows how mainstream they believe
    they are in being enemies of our
    Get out the vote in November.
    They will.

  5. It doesn’t matter what party has the majority, Libtards burn the flag.

    It doesn’t matter what party has the majority, Conservatives wave the flag.

    That is basically the difference.

  6. What’s really surprising is that the dumbasses of New York tolerate him.

    His corruptions, thefts, grafts, and (now) his treasons are well known – he’d rather steal a dime than earn a dollar – and everybody from Albany to NYC is acutely aware of it.

    Amazing – and I don’t use that word often.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Cuomo has confused NYC with the rest of America. Who would want to live in a gigantic ant farm that’s occupied by some of the rudest people on earth? The stench from the UN alone would be bad enough for me to get the hell out.
    America has had its ups and down but has always been great. It can and will be better with proper leadership such as Trump is demonstrating.
    Cuomo has delusions of grandeur that lead him to believe that he has the qualifications to be the POTUS. Nothing could be further from the truth. He’s just another pompous ass with a national news platform spouting off on things he has limited knowledge on. I shall pay no attention to the clown.

  8. When Trump came up with MAGA, he was referring to douchbags like yourself, Cuomo. You left wing communists are interested at every turn to turn America into a third world communist hell hole. You don’t believe in the 1st or 2nd amendment, want higher taxes, want equal outcomes not equal opportunity, and you are overly excited to vote for someone based on their skin color and sexual orientation. You think it’s a peaceful protest when highly paid celebrity sports players denounce the national anthem and what it stands for. You have no respect for our law enforcement, instead side with thugs chanting, “hands up, don’t shoot,” or “I can’t breathe.” You think murdering over 60 million babies in the womb is empowerment. You don’t believe in American exceptionalism, but rather believe America should suffer in poverty and famine with the worst shitholes of the world (except for you and your elite communist ilk). Am I painting the appropriate picture for you, Cuomo, or do you still think we’re interested in taking America back to slavery and the KKK? Dumbass, Trump was pointing the finger directly at communist libtards like yourself who have been taking America down the wrong path; our intention is to take back what YOU ruined and make America GREAT AGAIN. Get it??? No, I know you don’t get it because your smug nose is so far in the clouds you could never believe you’ve ever done anything wrong – and that’s the point of MAGA: to make your voice small and insignificant because your ideas are not ideas for leaders of America – Your ideas are for communist North Korea, where you belong, not Canada (that was too nice of a gesture).

  9. Cuomo’s remarks express the true democratic opinion of America. Our nation’s freedoms are its greatest virtues. The democrats do not see freedom as being as important as governmental control. To them, strictly controlling the economy allows them to manage every aspect of our lives and if you are trying to create a socialist state this is the first step.

    Cuomo’s narcissistic attitude gives him the idea that he is smarter than the rest of us. Unfortunately, he is no copy of his father and his manner of governing is more akin to an enforcer for the mob than it is to acting as the steward of the people.

  10. The below is a link showing by county how Cuomo won in 2014.


    Hardly a blue state by area geography and like most states like this (I could name a bunch, Ill. included) the urban centers control who gets elected.

    We need a version of the Electoral College for the States.

    @ Tom – I live here and I am NO dumbass and neither are my MAGA friends. I voted for Rob Astorino. PROUDLY. Rob is a good guy ta boot, not a DH like Andy Boy.

    @ moochoman – To not pay attention would be a mistake on your part. Shall I not pay attention to what Kamala Harris says out there in Cali?

    I agree to just about everything you said minus the NYC people being rude. I would say that is the case below 96th street in Manhattan being the case. Anyone who lives there is from SOMEWHERE else or is a European tourist or rich lib living on the upper west or east sides. Anyone north of 96th is either poor or working class, oh and Columbia U, LIB CENTRAL,is at 110th st. Its counter balance is NYU in Greenwich Village.

    Mrs. Glover went to an interview the other day down in the belly of the beast, she works in Midtown currently. At some point in the interview, the person said to my mrs., “where is your accent from??”

    We were BOTH born in the Bronx….!

    The outer borough people, traditionally, have been the REAL New Yorkers, again aside from places like Williamsburg in Brooklyn where the ‘hipsters’ from, again, NOT NYC gather.

    Who here has been to NY?
    Who here have been to the central Adirondacks? Lake George maybe? Jefferson called it the most beautiful lake he had EVER seen. How about the north fork of Long Island?

    All VERY different places and spaces, ALL amazing in their own way. NYS is one of the most beautiful states and I have been to them ALL..minus North Dakota…


  11. Some people open their mouth and shove their foot in. Instead this SOB shoved his head into a different dark space at the other end of his torso.

    I’d like to think it was a self inflicted wound that ends his political life, or at least has set the limit on the highest level it will ever reach. But sadly it may not have.

  12. CAl

    I take it you and Mrs dont say”Yous tre boyds get aotta dat tree now or Ill flus youse down the turlik!


    when I was young home of Dem Bums!

    For you young uns The Bums now play in lA

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