Why come to America if they don’t want to be Americans? – IOTW Report

Why come to America if they don’t want to be Americans?

“They” are preciously called “immigrants,” “refugees,” “migrants,” “undocumented Americans,” and other pathetic-sounding names tailored to wrench our hearts – we purportedly cruel, unsympathetic, inhuman Americans.

Luxuriating here, behind our walls of wealth, abundance, and security, we deny them our (stolen) largesse and close up our fat-wracked arms to these noble, sacred, starving, uneducated, illiterate, diseased, violent, and socialist masses from “third-world,” countries.

Who are these Mexicans, Africans, South Americans, Asians, and others whose feet Nancy Pelosi has washed and the pope kissed?  What is it these luminaries see that we do not?  We – reputedly the most selfish, evil, detestable creatures on Earth?   more here


25 Comments on Why come to America if they don’t want to be Americans?

  1. Free money. Relative safety. That’s basically it. Otherwise they want to keep their own culture.

    Not all of them, of course. Many appreciate what America has to offer. But 100+ years ago there wasn’t free money so they came for opportunity, willing to work hard to realize their dreams.

  2. Pretty simplistic conclusion drawn by Mr. Friedberg in an otherwise decent article. Why is it that so many Americans hesitate to call them the invaders that they are? The sooner we wake up, the better……

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Did the Russians and Germans invade Poland in 1939 cuz they wanted to be Polacks?
    Did the Musselmen invade Europe in 668 because they wanted to be Europeans?
    Did Rome invade Gaul in 58 BC cuz they wanted to be Frogs?
    Did Macedon invade Persia in 334 BC cuz they wanted to be Persian?
    Did Persia invade Greece in 493 BC cuz the Persians wanted to be Greek?

    No historical context. Get real.
    This is what happens when “education” is hijacked by ideology.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The Statue of Liberty shall be revised:

    Give me your tired, your poor, your marauding Bedouins, your masses of Mestizo’s yearning to breathe free,
    Give me your industrious Afrikaans desirous to shed the chains of mental slavery, Give me the wretched refuse of your teeming shores.

  5. I don’t think they’re hiding their real purpose anymore.
    This video is from a 2015 event
    ‪—Khalilah Sabra 14th Annual MAS-ICNA Convention https://youtu.be/xQOujfrFDu4‬


    “Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). MAS was described by federal prosecutors as the “overt arm” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, and ICNA is recognized as the front for the Pakistani Islamist group Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) founded by one of the foremost thinkers on modern Jihad, Syed Abul A’la Maududi.

    At the event, MAS leader Khalilah Sabra openly discussed the importance of Muslim support for Black Lives Matter, and urged ‘revolution.’

    Comparing the situation in the United States to the Muslim Brotherhood-led Arab Spring revolutions, she asked,
    ‘We are the community that staged a revolution across the world; if we can do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?’”

  6. They come to America, because they know their fellow Countrymen have already begun Cities within Cities.
    Cities like, Little Mexico City in Los Angeles,and
    Little Mogadishu in Michigan etc.
    They will never need to Long for Home, because Liberal’s have given them the Key’s to these Cities.

  7. Annie, Apple calendar insists that EID AL ADHA – Feast of the Sacrifice, is an “American Holiday” and there’s no way to change it.

    I remember Obama wishing “happy eid” on Twitter.

    Big Tech is at the hands of Muslims.

  8. Why struggle to pay for your needs in life when you can come here where assholes forcibly confiscate money from working people and hand it out to you for the promise of a vote.

  9. We’re funding our own demise and actually wondering why they’re coming here?
    They’re saying: “Hey, gigs this good only come once in every 1400 years!”
    “We had to bust our hump for the Ottoman Empire, but this is a gimme… literally!!”

    Wake up people!!

  10. They want to come to America to sit on their arses and enjoy our wealth while they breed themselves into a majority…..

    So they can turn America into the $hithole they left….otherwise known as home sweet $hithole home…..

    Domestically think….. California/Texas….New Yauk/Florida….etc.

  11. They plan on conqeuring with their wombs. Their allies are the democrats: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Just listen to the new fascist meme: America was never that great.
    Wake up.

  12. the ideology (not a religion) of islam is to expand, colonize and destroy local borders language culture, (Michael savage) institute sharia completely by any means necessary

  13. Ed357 – You are exactly right and breeding themselves into a majority is exponentially tougher when animals like this actually have to work to feed that family!
    One big-ass reason to TURN OFF THE DAMN FEDERAL SPIGOT!
    Why the Hell should my hard-earned, over-taxed dollars be used fund this shit!
    I know this makes me a bigot, but at least I won’t be a broke-ass bigot!

  14. Soon white people will be banished to the Moon, then when they see the pace of our terraforming efforts and see our glittering cities and our wealth they wish they could immigrate there. If only they weren’t all communists and all weighed 90 pounds due to widespread famine and starvation

  15. Val
    AUGUST 19, 2018 AT 10:11 AM
    Apple calendar insists that EID AL ADHA – Feast of the Sacrifice, is an “American Holiday” and there’s no way to change it.

    I noticed that. I just crossed it out with a sharpie. 😉

  16. What else could they do?
    Invade the most armed country in the world with antique weapons?

    “Soft” invasion by attrition is just what the globalists ordered-and why the last 5 globalist POTUS have looked the other way, or worse.


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