Child-catchers: A feature, not a bug, in socialist Norway – IOTW Report

Child-catchers: A feature, not a bug, in socialist Norway

American Thinker— Socialists, such as Bernie Sanders, these days heap a lot of praise on the heavily socialized Scandinavian states as their model for remaking the U.S.  Anything to separate themselves from the horrors of socialist Venezuela, where hunger, torture, and ruin are the visibly obvious result.

So now we move to Norway, where a little noticed awful effect of socialism has shown up, in a long investigative report from the BBC from earlier this month, headlined “Norway’s Hidden Scandal.”

The UN rates Norway one of the best countries for a child to grow up in.  And yet too many children, according to a large number of Norwegian experts, are taken into care without good reason.  The conviction of a top psychiatrist in the child protection system for downloading child abuse images is now raising further serious questions.  more here


5 Comments on Child-catchers: A feature, not a bug, in socialist Norway

  1. Socialism exists only by indoctrinating the children because even semi-intelligent adults soon realize it doesn’t work. But even then, as the Soviet Union proved, it still doesn’t work but it lasts a little longer, prolongs the misery of the common people, and generally kills a few million more.

  2. What is especially surprising to me is that readers and posters probably think this doesn’t happen in the United States. You all don’t know about the “Cabinet” in Kentucky. It’s just as bad if not worse than Norway’s Child Protection Services. It should be investgated. Kentucky’s answer to Child Protective Services involves pedophilia and sex trafficking.


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