When The Gene Pool Self-Chlorinates – IOTW Report

When The Gene Pool Self-Chlorinates

PJM: Periodically, when I’m in a bad mood I go on a rant about “innocents abroad.”

This usually relates to one of my kids’ friends going abroad and coming back with stars in their eyes, my absolutely favorite being the one who was sure that socialism couldn’t be bad, because look at all the great palaces and monuments France has.  Yes, he got an history lecture about no matter what you might think of feudalism, it was not socialism. And how most of what socialist France has done involves things like trying to develop a video phone system that worked … well… like the net.  And failing.

There is worse, though.

Most people in the US don’t get how safe or how prosperous we are, not only in relation to most of history, but in relation to most of the world.  They just don’t.  The concept is impossible to comprehend if you’ve lived your entire life sheltered and fed in the US.

Which honestly is why so many people go abroad and then come home and work to destroy the US because they think that the only way we can be that prosperous is if we’re stealing from others.  Their guilt sends them into stupid global redistributionism, without their having any clue of what really causes the foreign immiseration.  MORE

11 Comments on When The Gene Pool Self-Chlorinates

  1. When you see old photos of emaciated refugees it is quite stark.
    When you see modern pictures of “refugees,” they have designer clothes, iPhones, and some are morbidly obese.
    Countless blacks in this society who complain of oppression are morbidly obese, ALL of them have cellphones, cars, widescreen TV’s.

    Assholes that facilitate the fantasy of oppression in America need to be drawn and quartered.

  2. @BB by that time they’re already indoctrinated hard left, and frankly I don’t want lefties to know how to use firearms or tactics or logistics or any other military-related fields. If they insist on being mentally ill, they shouldn’t be trained in how to kill – they don’t have the requisite self control.

  3. BB: had a chat with an army recruiter in Huntsville last week, and he was lamenting that the biggest issue he faces is social media and rampant drug use in the youth. They simply aren’t acceptable and have history which compromises them, thereby leaving them open to manipulation.
    Short of a bracken style cleansing, we may be lost.
    As far as the thread is concerned, I am tempted to take my kids to the Dominican to show they how the rest of the world lives. It opened my wife’s eyes.


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