Clapper Takes Swipe At Ex-CIA Director John Brennan Over Anti-Trump Hyperbole – IOTW Report

Clapper Takes Swipe At Ex-CIA Director John Brennan Over Anti-Trump Hyperbole

DC: James Clapper, the director of national intelligence under former President Barack Obama, took a swipe at former CIA Director John Brennan on Sunday, saying that his former colleague’s anti-Trump rhetoric has become “an issue in and of itself.”

“Do you think that John Brennan’s hyperbole is an issue here, is one of the reasons we’re having this crisis?” CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Clapper during a panel discussion about President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke Brennan’s security clearance.

“I think it is,” said Clapper, a CNN analyst. “John is sort of like a freight train and he’s gonna say what’s on his mind.”

“John and his rhetoric have become an issue in and of itself,” he added.  more here


11 Comments on Clapper Takes Swipe At Ex-CIA Director John Brennan Over Anti-Trump Hyperbole

  1. Clapper and the others are running scared. Every one of these senior former administrators makes buck off their last government position and retaining that clearance helps them maintain the money stream. Trump proved he’ll pull it if the current user uses his/her having a clearance to hurt the administration. That’s not why they are given permission to keep it; not at all.

    Unless “actively” working in direct support of the government (not the press, the government), all of these retirees should lose their clearance as soon as they depart their billets, just like the average schmoes.

  2. The big money comes from using your security clearance to get on a board of companies that do sensitive work for the government. We have too many of these government contractors with over 4 million security clearances that never get pulled.

    Comey made $5 million per year with Lockheed before returning to “government service”.

  3. We should have the home address of EVERY Communist-Democrat in the entire country (including all who work/have ever worked, in DC). Even if they’re just C-D sympathizers, DEMAND their addresses. Sue if we must.

  4. The main reason these people give for keeping their SC is that the process to get one is long and laborious. As it should be. God knows what mischief a Dem bureaucrat can make between government gigs. It’s best we review their time on the bench before handing them the keys again.

    I wonder what Hillary is selling her SC access for? She’s been pretty quiet lately. Ditto for Barky. And ValJar.

  5. OPM security breach, 2015. 21 million people who got background checks for government work had their records stolen. Chinese did it. The OPM director was Obama’s national campaign manager, rewarded with a job way above her political hack pay grade. She had to resign. How much you want to bet she still has her security clearance? Ditto for Jamie Gorelick. I’d bet a million IOTW bucks they’ve both got access.

  6. They are all Crapping their pants, and it’s Entertaining to no end.
    Clapper enters the Ring with a smirk, but Brennan goes full Reptillian, I’m waiting for him to Bite a chunk off of a CNN Host. ( Hey! a guy can dream )

  7. I have never been more satisfied that I cast a vote for someone.
    Mr Trump is greatly exceeding my hopes.

    F..k all the swamp criminals, that’s why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. He is trying to keep his clearance and the income derived because of it.

    Trump’s people should offer to let him keep his, and offer him immunity, to give up his fellow coup members.


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