Belgium Bans Halal Slaughter, But Brussels Is Exempt – IOTW Report

Belgium Bans Halal Slaughter, But Brussels Is Exempt

Breitbart London: While Flanders and Wallonia are set to ban unstunned Islamic ritual slaughter in 2019, the practice will remain legal in the Belgian capital of Brussels.

One of Islam’s most holy days, the Eid al-Adha festival, begins this week as Muslims around the globe engage in the ritual sacrifice of various animals including cows, sheep and goats.

As of next year, Belgium is banning the practice, which involves slitting the throat of an animal and letting it bleed to death, in Flanders and Wallonia, insisting the animal must be electrically stunned beforehand. To the outrage of animal rights campaigners, the Belgian capital Brussels has refused to ban slaughter without stunning RTL reports.

Global Action in the Interest of Animals (GAIA), a Belgian-based animal rights group, has slammed Brussels for not joining the country’s other two regions on the issue.

President of GAIA Michel Vandenbosch commented on the matter saying, “Before the end of the legislature, the Brussels government must follow the example of Wallonia and Flanders, and definitely put an end to the slaughter without stunning of sheep and cattle everywhere in Brussels.  more here

8 Comments on Belgium Bans Halal Slaughter, But Brussels Is Exempt

  1. Our God does not demand an animal sacrifice to atone for our sins like the muzzies do. Animals did not and never will die and atone for my sins, Jesus did. The muzzies need to be destroyed so this barbaric bullshit is not ever allowed to take place in this country ever. Kiss my ass Mo, you illiterate child molester of the biggest false religion ever known to man.

  2. It doesn’t apply to us anymore since Jesus was our ultimate sacrifice. I know my Old Testament well enough to be aware of that and am glad that we as Christians don’t have to sacrifice animals anymore for our salvation. I don’t think that any of us could live under let alone fulfill all the requirements of the Old Testament laws. We’d all be in a heap of big trouble if we did since no one could fulfill those requirements of thou shall do this and thou should not do that. Reading all the requirements especially in Leviticus and Numbers gives me a headache and massive confusion trying to comprehend the full extent of the Old Testament law.

  3. Another example of how the leftist scum will be at each others throats, and why islime will ultimately lose. PETA and Gaya and the animal rights marxist leftists will be killed by islime, as will be the homos. For now they have been allies but that fracture is beginning to show occasionally as things like this happen, and scumbags like mozlem man Keith Skellison beat the shit out of their whores. The feminazi sjw’s heads feel like they are in a table vice right about now. Eventually they will have to deny their mozlem allies.


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