Soros group boasted it got Zuckerberg to attack ‘fake news’ – IOTW Report

Soros group boasted it got Zuckerberg to attack ‘fake news’

WND: The George Soros-funded group Media Matters boasted in a confidential document issued in January 2017 outlining a collaborative plan with social-media giants to silence conservative voices and resist President Trump that it single-handedly persuaded the Facebook CEO to take “fake news” seriously and “commit to taking action to fix the problem.”

As WND reported Monday, the 49-page memo for defeating Trump was presented by Media Matters founder David Brock at a retreat in Florida with about 100 donors. The plan mirrors the recent wave of censorship of conservatives on the internet by tech giants Facebook, Twitter, Google/YouTube and Apple.

As some members of Congress who have grilled Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and others have argued, the problem with admittedly left-leaning Silicon Valley social-media platforms censoring “fake news” is that one man’s fake news is another’s real news.

And it’s clear in the memo that when Brock refers to “fake news,” he’s talking more about conservative media on the web, mentioning outlets such as Breitbart and the Media Research Center, than he is articles generated by Russian sources to influence the election, which Facebook has told Congress comprised a minuscule portion of the traffic generated by 2 billion users.

In his memo, Brock states that during the 2016 election, Facebook “refused to do anything about the dangerous rise of fake news or even acknowledge their role in promoting disinformation,” with Zuckerberg calling the notion that fake news is a problem “crazy.”

But in November 2016, Brock writes, Media Matters “launched a campaign pressuring Facebook to: 1) acknowledge the problem of the proliferation of fake news on Facebook and its consequences for our democracy and 2) commit to taking action to fix the problem.”

Media Matters met with Facebook to discuss how to crack down on fake news, according to the memo, providing “a detailed map of the constellation of right-wing Facebook pages that had been the biggest purveyors of fake news.”

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that Facebook now is rating users based on how “trustworthy” it thinks they are, assigning a hidden score on a scale from zero to one that determines if they have a good or bad reputation.

6 Comments on Soros group boasted it got Zuckerberg to attack ‘fake news’

  1. Brock just came out of his cave. Does he think it is safe now to attack P.Trump? Why?
    He is a Clinton hack. And very deep state on the left.
    Where has he been for the last 2 years? now he is poking up his ugly head, Why? the left is up to something.
    They are getting ready to take down all of P.Trump’s support sites all across the board so they can steal the 2018 election just to take down P.Trump.
    Facebook,Twitter,You Tube,Google,and now Microsoft is in on it.
    We need every vote.
    The news papers were a trial run dissing P.Trump. They are all in on it.
    Something is up on the left. They are out of options, we are on to them. It is going to get ugly.
    Bookmark everything.

  2. Geoff C. The Saltine

    Hope you’ve had a chance to catch Joe6Paks and my comments. We are simpatico. People need to be held accountable by a jury of their peers. And then hung. Let’s start with big Fanny Davis. I want to see him piss his worthless traitorous ass.

  3. Bad_Brad, if a shooting war breaks out, I hope somebody is war-gaming the crippling of social media. That will get a lot of peoples’ heads out of their back hole and focused on real things. I wonder who is guarding the server warehouses to which we have ceded so much power–literally and figuratively. Every now and then, the junkyard of liberty must be refreshed with the fried circuit boards of tyrants.


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