NY: We’re Number 50!!! – IOTW Report

NY: We’re Number 50!!!

Patriot Retort: Well, it’s that time of the year. The Great New York State Fair opened yesterday.

I like to think of it as the “Great Time Not to Take 690 Because Traffic is Hell.” But that’s me. Despite the fact that the Great New York State Fair is located just seven miles from my house, I don’t go.

I have an aversion to crowds.

Though I did see Lynn Anderson perform there in 1972. Or 1973. I don’t remember exactly. It was back when my parents made us go. For me one of the best things about becoming an adult was never having to go to the friggin’ Great New York State Fair again.

Sorry Mom and Dad.

Any old how.

Our never-that-great Governor Andrew Cuomo was at yesterday’s opening.

Knowing him, he probably bristled at the fact that it’s called “The Great New York State Fair.” I imagine him riding on the Ferris wheel in the Midway and grumbling into his fritter, “Meh. It’s never been that great.”

Ironically, a new CATO Institute study of the freest states in the union came out.

And New York State ranked at number 50.

Now, anyone who isn’t Barack Obama knows that number 50 means New York State is dead last.


We’re number 50!!!!

We even beat out California (#48).  MORE HERE

22 Comments on NY: We’re Number 50!!!

  1. Yea, we’re #33, down -4 from 2014, and fallin fast.

    Just read an editorial in today’s local paper about how we need to rethink Democratic Socialism. Maybe we can make it work this time. Yeah, right. We are SO screwed here in Connecticut.

  2. @ Dan Ryan Galt….Was Gilligan in the barrel….or was it Ginger’s turn?….

    And the model A roadster pickup was referred to as the “Ute”….am I right?…..I could have bought 3 of them in fair condition when I was 14….I think for $75.00 each….I had the money, but Mom said NOOOOOOOO!!!!….I believe the “Ute” was bigger in Australia then the good ol’ USA…looks more like a 28/29…???

  3. Arizona in the top ten …which is to be expected…. but more importantly, New Mexico is #41 and thus validates my premise that it must be destroyed and it’s remains divided between Texas and Arizona respectively.

  4. What in the actual butt nuts? Moxie, non of those dems are within’ 100 miles of me. I’m doin’ my part to keep Yavapai clean. Don’t make me come down below sunset point cuz me and Phoenix don’t get along.

  5. Well, if you want a state ruined, put liberals in charge. But the biggest downside is that these idiots move; it’s like the homeless in San Francisco – once they’ve shit all over the place, they move somewhere else.


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