GOP Is Thrilled to Have Hillary Clinton Fundraising For Dems – IOTW Report

GOP Is Thrilled to Have Hillary Clinton Fundraising For Dems

Liberty Nation: Two-time loser on the national stage Hillary Clinton will be hosting three Democratic National Committee fundraisers this fall, and the sigh you just heard comes from forlorn Democrats who keep hoping this albatross on their party’s future will stop appearing on their already storm-tossed horizon.

News of Hillary’s high-profile fundraising right before the crucial midterm elections has naturally left Republicans delighted.

“Hillary is out there doing our jobs for us,” a GOP strategist told Breitbart News in response. “The more she associates herself with any candidate, the less money we have to spend on attack ads targeting them. Voters have a visceral negative reaction to Hillary Clinton.”  MORE HERE


12 Comments on GOP Is Thrilled to Have Hillary Clinton Fundraising For Dems

  1. I know that Pecker guy is in the news but so is Weiner.
    Turns out his laptop full of Hillary’s classified emails was only perfunctorily examined.
    Comey played it up like the FBI agents were working night and day.
    Turns out three agents spent twelve whole hours going through 700,000 emails.


  2. Here’s hoping the DNC goes all in and sends out the Progressive Wymyn All-Stars for publicity and fund-raising gigs: H-Rod, Maxaint Waters, Antsy Pelosi, Lizard Warren, Whoopsie Goldberg, Ratched Maddow, and Oprah.

  3. Please add in the man-boy David Hogg to ratchet up the attacks on our Second Amendment, the buck-toothed, wide-eyed communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Maxine “Impeachment for no crime” Waters to seal the deal.

    They would be indistinguishable from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.


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