Pelosi Calls for New Leadership, But She Won’t Step Aside – IOTW Report

Pelosi Calls for New Leadership, But She Won’t Step Aside

Breitbart: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told Bay Area public radio station KQED on Wednesday that Democrats needed “new leadership” — but she herself is not stepping aside and is continuing her quest to return as Speaker of the House if her party wins the midterm elections in November.

Pelosi told KQED that Democrats are running against a “culture of corruption” in Washington that she says President Donald Trump has “engendered.”

KQED added:

Pelosi also pushed back on recent calls for her to step down as leader of the House Democrats, saying that “special interest, dark money” and the opposing party shouldn’t be choosing Democrats’ leader.

“They attack me because they’re scared of me,” she said, ticking off her list of legislative accomplishments, including the Affordable Care Act. “I eat their lunch.”  MORE

9 Comments on Pelosi Calls for New Leadership, But She Won’t Step Aside

  1. Pelosi hates that black people donate money to political causes.

    Pelosi then doubles down and admits she eats everyone elses’ lunch. Perfect metaphor for government. I’m happy to give government a few potato chips but this bitch wants over half my sammich and all of my root beer.

  2. and that is exactly what she does- ‘eat other peoples lunch.’ The lunch that they worked hard for and paid for.
    I think she really just said- “let them eat cake”

  3. This dementia has been stewing for over a decade. Not surprised, McCain’s been going on for decades. Dems just keep pulling the handle, the dead one’s doing it twice.

  4. Pelosi states that Democrats are running against a “culture of corruption” when in fact they are the party of corruption. Good old #3 in the democrat playbook which was authored by sleazy Harry Reid back in the 60’s.


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