If It’s Too Loud, You’re Too Infidel – IOTW Report

If It’s Too Loud, You’re Too Infidel

Breitbart: Authorities in Indonesia jailed a woman for 18 months on Wednesday after complaining that a nearby mosque was “too loud” and “hurt” her ears.

The 44-year-old Buddhist woman, identified only as Meiliana, was found guilty on Tuesday of violating the country’s blasphemy law after she complained about how the Islamic call to prayer from her local mosque in the city of Medan hurt her ears. Following her verdict, she burst into tears before being taken away in handcuffs.

“[We] declare that the defendant is legally and compellingly proven guilty of committing blasphemy against a certain religion that is professed in Indonesia,” said presiding Judge Wahyu Prasetyo Wibowo on delivering the verdict. “[We] sentenced the woman to one and a half years in prison.”

Following her remarks in 2016, around a dozen Islamic fundamentalists burned and ransacked least 14 Buddhist temples in Tanjung Balai on the island of Sumatra, forcing many ethnic Chinese to flee the area.

Meiliana’s lawyer, Rantau Sibarani, said there was no clear evidence of blasphemy and his client would appeal the decision. more here

SNIP: Yeaaaah Ok. Non-Muslims have rights to appeal in Indonesia? I’m guessing the poor woman’s lawyer we be appealing for practice.


6 Comments on If It’s Too Loud, You’re Too Infidel

  1. We keep hearing about moderate Muslims. Where do they come from? Many have pointed to Islam’s most populate country in the past, but this is supposed to be an example of their tolerance an moderate behaviors? They have attacked and bombed Christian churches, and forbid any reconstruction or up keep on them. They flog those who might violate Sharia Law (including Christians). In some cases, like in 2005, they behead little school girls who just happen to be Christians.

    Funny how the news media didn’t pick up on this when Obama visited his childhood home back in 2017. They didn’t want to spoil his memories of his youth:

    “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer.”

    -Barack Hussein Obama

  2. I’m considering setting up a GoFundMe page to design a battery powered (perhaps with solar recharging) device with a loud, high-efficiency speaker to play automatically at random intervals a digitally stored audio program. I propose to make them cheap and sturdy enough to air drop hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of them all over the mohammadman world. All will be programed to play Onward Christian Soldiers in alternating English and Arabic versions.

  3. In February 2003, I went to Istanbul. The first night, I stayed at the Raddison Hotel near the airport. My plan was to sleep late, but my sleep was ended by what I thought was giant cats being thrown into wood chippers. I looked out the window onto the street behind the hotel and there it was. A mosque was blaring it’s death call from one of those skinny towers by loud speakers. It was the most awful sound I’ve ever heard. Except for Bruce Springsteen, of course!


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