Nancy Pelosi Mocks Coal Power- “With All Due Respect To West Virginia” – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Mocks Coal Power- “With All Due Respect To West Virginia”

15 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Mocks Coal Power- “With All Due Respect To West Virginia”

  1. It is sad to see anyone deteriorate like this video illustrates. What’s worse is that this person is now so delusional she cannot carry a line of thought to the completion of a sentence. And this is what is considered a leader in the democrat party?

  2. Most of the nation’s thermal coal comes from…. Wyoming.
    In order to educate GrannyNancy on metallurgical coal, may I suggest someone jab a sharp, HOT iron rod up her ass. With the lights off.

    The woman can’t rub two pennies of sense together, and she was the Speaker of the House for HOW LONG?! That tells you all you need to know re how FUBAR the USA has been.

    And why government power and authority need to be DRASTICALLY decentralized.

  3. Imagine Nancy trying to make a point without being able to move her hands?
    Give it up Nancy. Give the younger idiot, Alexandria Cortez, a shot at trying to destroy the country. FFS!

  4. @Different Tim: Do these clowns all take lessons in talking with their hands? Guess I shouldn’t complain, their hands make as much sense to me as their verbage.

    It seems to me that the more a person uses their hands to talk, the more desperate they are to make their point. Bernie Sanders is a case study in this… his little pointy finger flies constantly when he speaks. Lizzy Warren is another one.

    I have two words for coal-hating Pelosi: Gofuck Yourself. The national grid is in big trouble if all the base load power plants go away. Wind, solar, and most gas units don’t carry enough inertia to hold system frequency in a sudden emergency. A grid the size of the US’s NEEDS that big rolling iron. Lose it at your peril. And if we suddenly find ourselves in a major war, where are you going to get the power for the war machine? It’s not a matter of the environment, it’s a matter of national security.

  5. Reminds me of when I accidentally insulted my immediate boss and he was within earshot. He happened to fit the criticism I made. We both realized he fit and looked at each other at the same time. All I could add was a smile and – “but I meant that in the nicest possible way! GRIIIIINN” It was SO stupid we all broke up laughing. Luckily there was no price to pay. He’s still a friend after 30 years.

    She realized she shouldn’t have tipped that card and did the lamest cover.

    side note:
    A throwaway line describing some who joined her climate concerns: “Those that believe it was God’s creation”. Says a lot in itself.

    Do Catholics believe the Earth was created by God, or not?

    I’m actually more concerned about those that could ex-communicate her, but won’t. I expect nothing good from her and she hasn’t given me any reason to expect different.

  6. My guess is that Nancy knows less about the chemistry of the Hydro-Carbon chain than I know about stealing $Millions from the taxpayers.

    We had a steam leak in the Longworth Bldg. before I retired and that dingbat (as Speaker) demanded that we replace every trap in the building! The asbestos abatement would have run into the multi-$Millions, and it wouldn’t have solved the problem in the first place, as it was a relief valve discharging (doing exactly what it was designed to do).

    She really is a fucking moron.

    izlamo delenda est …


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