Meanwhile, in California: Darrell Issa accuses US attorney of “political misconduct” over Duncan Hunter indictment – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in California: Darrell Issa accuses US attorney of “political misconduct” over Duncan Hunter indictment


Retiring Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, is accusing the U.S. attorney’s office of “political misconduct” for indicting Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-California, now that it is likely too late to remove Hunter from the ballot.

Hunter was indicted Tuesday for allegedly spending about $250,000 in campaign funds on personal trips and items and for filing false reports to the Federal Election Commission. In a phone conversation Tuesday, Issa indicated to CBS News that if there were some way for Hunter to be replaced on the ballot, Issa might be open to serving as that replacement. “I’m not really interested in remaining in Congress,” he told CBS News, but “I would have to look at it and say, would I serve two more years just so we don’t lose the majority because we lost that seat?”

Issa, who represents the neighboring 49th congressional district, is not seeking re-election and is set to retire from Congress at the end of this term after nearly 20 years in office.

Issa says he finds the timing of the Hunter indictment suspicious, given that it was issued after the California primary had taken place. Under the state’s “jungle” primary system, the top two candidates — regardless of party — proceed to the general election, making it difficult to replace a candidate on the ballot, should that individual drop out after advancing from the primary to the November election. Hunter, the incumbent in the 50th Congressional District, attracted the most votes, and Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar also advanced.

“I believe that the assistant U.S. attorney has totally screwed us….I believe that this is political misconduct by the assistant U.S. attorney, and I believe it simply because all deadlines, as far as I know, as far as I’ve been told, have passed,” Issa said. “So now you have an accusation that could sink anyone, when in fact, this same information…I didn’t see anything that hasn’t been there for years.” (It’s not clear whether Issa was referring to a different federal prosecutor in the Southern District of California or to Braverman.)

He accused Braverman of holding back the indictment since last year, if not longer.  more here  
h/t Bad Brad.

See also:

Duncan Hunter Has Been Indicted. He Could Still Win Re-Election.

His district is just that red.

12 Comments on Meanwhile, in California: Darrell Issa accuses US attorney of “political misconduct” over Duncan Hunter indictment

  1. This is the Crap that allowed the Democrats to screw California in the first place, we are far from D.C and National Power, so the Democrats set up shop here. Jail this Clown.

  2. This is an organized, coordinated attack against Republicans at the same time in several states. Too late to remove their names from the ballot, and not enough time before November to go to trial and clear their names. For the democrats, this is outright war, and all is fair. And the press reports it like they are guilty.

  3. Don’t forget- soros is funding AG candidates in several states. In the last election, he also funded DA’s. Campaign financing by soros, publicity by msm.
    Corruption is becoming commonplace. (just look at how msm/press is addressing ellison’s charges). If you’re a demoscat, you qualify for the ‘clinton plan.’

  4. BB- something is going on. There are a lot of revelations happening (email glitches, the details of the Trump Tower meeting, rosenstein’s wife, ohr’s wife….). Some of what they are doing is related to that. But the campaign targeting/funding and msm coverage is well organized, and they obviously have future plans The censoring that is going on is criminal.
    If you can, become a tactical librarian. And there is something to what someone said at Bunker Hill- don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes. I hope that is going on, too.

  5. It should be pretty clear by now based on the copious numbers of selective prosecutions of republicans, selective exonerations of democrats, and the perfectly timed filings of indictments against those republicans that the DoJ is nothing but an extension of the DNC. Justice is a joke in this country, plain and simple.

  6. BB, Tony, et al. Hillary didn’t win. If she did that would introduce the transition to Marxism in America. The Marxists have to achieve their goal so they are waging an all-out war to do so. All this Meuller stuff isn’t about Trump, it’s about installing Marxism. They’ve painted Trump as this horrible monster so they can attack the country and not get caught by the average brain-dead Democrat voter. The average idiot sees the fight as the Dems attacking immorality, and trying to uphold virtue. It’s actually an attempt to overthrow the current form of government.

  7. toby miles, Cynic, All,

    It’s a Republic if you can keep it. We need to keep it boys. I for one am tired of this shit. I am ready. Further more I know others that are too. We are not alone.


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