‘Future Congresswoman’ Chelsea’s Scottish Book Festival – IOTW Report

‘Future Congresswoman’ Chelsea’s Scottish Book Festival

AT: In the country of President Donald Trump’s mother Mary MacLeod’s birth, fresh off an appearance at The Rise Up for Roe Tour, on August 19, Chelsea Clinton was a guest speaker at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, where she delivered a hearty dose of vitriol.

Chelsea’s book festival session was titled “Inspiring Women with Chelsea Clinton.”  The event was sold out, and well it should have been.  After all, the devoted wife to shady investment banker Marc Mezvinsky, mother to abortion survivors Charlotte and Aidan, New York Times bestselling author, and grifter extraordinaire is self-proclaimed American royalty.  In addition to those and many other stellar credentials, fake, phony fraud Chelsea is also vice chair of the Clinton “Corrupt Money-Laundering” Foundation and an occasional geriatric nurse to her “indefatigable” mother.

Chelsea was invited to Edinburgh because she authors tactical handbooks for tiny social justice warriors with titles like It’s Your World and Start Now.  But writing picture books about female persistence is where the former NBC news correspondent really honed those literary chops.  In 2017, Chelsea shared with Entertainment Weekly that her persistently persistent mother Hillary inspired the up with women series with titles like She Persisted and She Persisted around the World.

At the event, Chelsea boasted that, after losing to Trump, Hillary “[h]as continued to persist forward in trying to have a positive impact in politics and outside politics in the way that I have seen her do my entire life.”  Speaking of persisting, and notwithstanding Hillary’s behavior in a Javits Center reception room after she lost the 2016 presidential election, in Scotland, Clinton the Younger praised Mom, who, when not practicing yoga, spends time raising money at DNC fundraisers MORE HERE

22 Comments on ‘Future Congresswoman’ Chelsea’s Scottish Book Festival

  1. Her whole career/accomplishments are predicated on privilege and nepotism. At least Chelsea Handler will have someone to worship in one of her vodka hazed diatribes in the years to come.

  2. It’s Friday…although a tad early…It’s time to get ugly

    and no one is uglier than Chelsea…..



    Chelsea’s so ugly, that when She Gives head it counts as Anal.

  3. “If we overturn RvW, American women will die!!!”

    Please explain the source of women’s death. The statement implies horror to women, when living with Roe we have 30 million+ females dead right now! The implication is more than 30 million women will be killed. Who is killing these women, it’s female genocide without RvW. Who???? Simple, one word, question.

  4. 🔥 MY 2 PREDICTIONS: 🔥

    1. Chelsea will run for office and win in New York.

    2. Bill will win the Nobel Peace Prize.

    #1 is an absolute certainty. She has nothing else to do, and has been groomed for it her whole life.


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