Lifestyles of the rich and Democrat: Clintons party at Weinstein’s old place – IOTW Report

Lifestyles of the rich and Democrat: Clintons party at Weinstein’s old place

American Thinker: The Clintons are back, and the Daily Mail has a spread about how they are partying away with the jet-setters of the New England coastal elites – the big-money ones, of course.

Love was in the air over the weekend at the most unlikely of places, as the son of billionaire hedge fund manager Marc Lasry was married in a ceremony that was held on the grounds of Harvey Weinstein’s Connecticut estate.

Zach Lasry, 28, wed Arianna Lyons, 29, in a circus-themed ceremony complete with acrobats, taxidermist animals [sic] and one terrifying clown who hung lanterns off his eyelids.

Even more impressive than that feat was the guest list for the event, which included former president Bill Clinton and his former secretary of state wife Hillary Clinton, both of whom are close friends of the father-of-the-groom.

Lasry, who moved to the United States from Morocco at the age of 7, is not only one of the Clinton’s most generous supporters, but also employed Chelsea Clinton between 2006 and 2009 at his $12 billion hedge fund.

How many things can we unpack from this to remind of why we don’t want Democrats back in the saddle come November?

We can start with the fact that it took place at Harvey Weinstein’s old estate, Weinstein being the pariah of the #MeToo movement for good reason.  Even though Weinstein just sold the place to his buddy with the cash for the wedding, to pay his legal bills?  Bill and Hill back on the old Weinstein property suggests a small social circle; what a coincidence that they end up on the Weinstein property again.  Apparently, they think the coast is clear to go back to the old Harvey scene and their circle, which raised them so much campaign cash.  more here

17 Comments on Lifestyles of the rich and Democrat: Clintons party at Weinstein’s old place

  1. Tom Perez: “What??? Hillary said she’s going to campaign for Dems!! WTF!! She can’t be near ANY of our candidates! What do we do here??!”

    Soros: “Calm down, Tom. I’ve arranged a series of fundraising parties. She’s going to do her “campaigning” there. Like she did when she ran for President. She’ll be completely out of sight.”

  2. Just think. If space aliens came along & captured Bill, Hill, & Chel, we’d never hear about the Clinton family again. Fly them to the moon and let them play among the stars….

  3. @meyou – That would be bad. The Aliens would see what horrible creatures they are, especially after the Clinton’s pronounced themselves as the cream of the crop. The Aliens would think, if this is Earth’s best, the species is no better than a virus and should be wiped out.

  4. Were Bill and Hillary “guests”, or part of the “circus-themed” entertainment? I wonder how much they charged for their attendance? Were the bridesmaids safe? So many questions.

  5. The Clinton’s and all their psychotic followers are incapable of connecting the optics to this. When they are confronted they are only able to respond with anger, name calling and made up accusations.

  6. It has the makings for a great Hollywood movie. A bunch of rich muckety-mucks gathering out on Long Island for a big fund raiser when MS13 shows up and crashes the party. Perhaps a good vehicle for Bruce Willis, except they’ll change it to racist, MAGA hat wearing degenerates who hate their betters who are all reasonable, peaceful, leftist elites.


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