Memphis Man Caught Having Sex With Corpse – IOTW Report

Memphis Man Caught Having Sex With Corpse

Breaking 911: TENNESSEE — A man has been arrested after reportedly being caught having sex with a dead body at a Memphis hospital.

The suspect has been identified as Cameron Wright, a security guard at St. Francis Hospital.

According to FOX 13 reporter Jeremy Pierre, Wright was found with the corpse in a ‘storage area’ of the facility.

No further details were available.

37 Comments on Memphis Man Caught Having Sex With Corpse

  1. Been there. By God she revived and even cooked me breakfast, but all indications the night before suggested… she croaked, she’s deader than a shithouse rat and there ain’t a thing I can do at this point that is going to get any response.

  2. guess he figured with no complaints he could use any hole while…
    …Doin’ the skeleton dance.
    The front bone’s connected to the front hole.
    The meat bone’s connected to the back hole.
    The head hole’s connected to the meat pole.

    …no, but really. Off with his Head!

  3. And on top of that, he never called, he never sent flowers, he never sent a box of chocolates – what a cheapskate.

    The family should sue the hospital and the stone cold rapist.

  4. Hey, could have mistaken the dead woman for a live English one. They both have stiff upper lips. I mean, you could light a fire under an English girl and still not warm her up. When the temperature in London gets up to 50 F, they complain of the heat. They are so cold someone wrote a play called “No Sex Please, we’re British”. Incidentally, that is why so many Englishmen became sheep farmers and pederasts.

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