16 Antifa Members Arrested While Protesting A Blue Lives Matter Rally – IOTW Report

16 Antifa Members Arrested While Protesting A Blue Lives Matter Rally


Sixteen Antifa members were arrested in Philadelphia during a counter protest on Saturday morning.

They were protesting against a Blue Lives Matter rally that was taking place in the same vicinity.

Philadelphia Police Department told CBS 3 that there were approximately 75 Antifa protesters in total. Multiple protest goers clashed with police officers. Of the 16 people arrested, nine were issued citations while seven were charged with disorderly conduct.

“In spite of all the negative press towards police, we want to show our support of our men and women in blue,” wrote Zachary Rehl, the Blue Lives Matter event organizer, according to CBS 3. Rehl is the son of a fallen Philadelphia police officer.

The “Abolish ICE – Philly” Twitter account tweeted that multiple arrests had occurred and asked people for bail money via Venmo. more

11 Comments on 16 Antifa Members Arrested While Protesting A Blue Lives Matter Rally

  1. It seems like more of these thugs are actually getting arrested at these “protests”! Not sure if Antifa is getting more bold, or if the cops’ patience is starting to wear thin, but either way I sense a change.

  2. All these rallies and protests are making our towns and cities unlivable. Can’t go downtown — any downtown — anymore without encountering someone with a bullhorn, shouting slogans, sign wavers, people shouting. What the hell?! Riot police all over the place doing nothing much except demonstrating all their expensive gear. And what is it with all these very overweight police? Don’t they have a Fat Boy program like the military?

    In my younger years I used to go downtown Seattle every Saturday — to the market, the bookstores, department stores, restaurants. It was how I liked to spend Saturday. No more. Now the place stinks of urine, the bums and addicts take up the sidewalks and are always hitting you up for a cigarette or a buck, and there’s the never-ending protest. They even protest the annual Christmas tree lighting now.

  3. “Not sure if Antifa is getting more bold, or if the cops’ patience is starting to wear thin, but either way I sense a change.”

    It very well may have made a difference that the rally was FOR the police.

    Make a choice, dude. Support yourself or quit!

    I’m thinking we need more Blue Lives Matter rallies.

    Clear things up a bit. Both sides of the equation.

  4. Never heard of Venmo. I thought that kind of site did not associate with people who violate the law — or does that only apply to made up crap about conservatives?

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