Chicago funeral parlors make a killing – IOTW Report

Chicago funeral parlors make a killing

FOX: Chicago’s predatory funeral homes target homicide victims, cash in on taxpayer-funded expenses.

Predatory funeral homes have been accused of cashing in on Chicago’s relentless crime wave by taking advantage of a taxpayer-funded scheme that pays $7,500 in funeral expenses for homicide victims’ families.

Advocates have accused some funeral directors of inflating prices or charging families for services they never received.

“Every funeral home in the state knows that victims get $7,500 for a funeral and it’s their goal to charge the entire amount because it’s easy money,” Susan Johnson, executive director of Chicago Survivors, told Fox News.

Johnson, whose organization helps people who have lost loved ones to homicide, claims some zero in on people receiving money from the Illinois Crime Victim’s Compensation fund.

The state – along with the federal government – provides eligible victims of violent crime with up to $27,000 in financial assistance for out-of-pocket expenses. The families of murder victims get $7,500 for funeral costs. more

16 Comments on Chicago funeral parlors make a killing

  1. Unless the funeral parlors are actually doing the killing, I think it’s disingenuous to call them predators. Bully for them for exploiting taxpayer stupidity. It’s not like they are stealing money from the grieving families–they don’t get to keep $7,500 less the tupperware urn to bury their relative.

    I’d love to see their business curtailed, but that would actually involve reducing the number of homicides in Chicago–something that apparently Chicago politicians are adamantly opposed to.

  2. Every city has an incinerator operated by the public works department. How about dispensing with all the time and money wasting prep work and just give the carcasses the heave ho?

  3. “cash-strapped cities like Chicago” can afford up to $27,000 for victims’ funerals and survivor benefits?

    *insert long string of really, really bad words here*


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