Chris Cillizza’s truly dumb column – IOTW Report

Chris Cillizza’s truly dumb column

American Thinker: People who doubt that Trump derangement runs wild among Democrats and their media allies need to read Chris Cillizza’s column listing 36 outrageous Trump lies from a Fox interview.  Three observations are worth making.

There are no lies.  The effort to create a lie leads to hilarious nonsense.  We’ll call that Cillizza at his best.  The really important point is that Cillizza joins the club of pundits who are, on some level, realizing that Trump is winning, and that they are losing.

I will not reproduce all 36 “lies.”  The link is provided; enjoy.  Here are two “lies” with Cillizza’s complete responses.

28. “The immigration laws are horrible. We’re doing an incredible job.”

Back to back sentences.  Unedited.  No rhyme, reason or connection I can decipher.

29. You know when you have bad laws you can do good.  But you can do a lot better if you had good laws.

[scratches out a series of complex math equations on a yellow-lined notebook] – “Yeah, this checks out.”

Neither “lie” conflicts with any facts.  Everyone understands that writing and talking are different.  I can imagine speaking as Trump did.  I write the same thoughts as follows.  “Even though people dealing with the immigration crisis have poor laws to work with, they do a good job.  With better laws, they would do an even better job.”  That Cillizza can’t comprehend the words as spoken is not a reflection on Trump.

Statements that conflict with our beliefs can evoke any number of reactions.  Some reactions are defensive and are coupled with rebuttals ungrounded in reality.  We surmise that the person wants to hold his belief but is having some doubts.  Here are two examples:

6 Comments on Chris Cillizza’s truly dumb column

  1. If those are examples of lies, I won’t bother to look at the rest. It is obvious that Chris is still stuck on style nit picks. It is perfectly clear what Trump was saying: There are workarounds to bypass bad legislation, but good legislation is the best solution. Everything can’t–and shouldn’t–be fixed with a pen and phone. But if Cillizza wants to be snide and willfully obtuse, that’s his right.

  2. The article is complete garbage. Cillizza cites mostly Trump opinions followed by his own opinions. The Russian collusion theory has been almost completely debunked, yet Cillizza writes as though it were true. I know Cillizza wrote an opinion piece, but in a couple of places he criticizes Trump for having no backup, yet Cillizza fails to name any of the sources for his own opinions.

    This article is an embarrassment to the publisher, and an insult to people who know how to think. Like most things written by liberals, I feel dumber for having read it.


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