Cubans create a Berlin Wall in passports for Venezuelans fleeing socialism – IOTW Report

Cubans create a Berlin Wall in passports for Venezuelans fleeing socialism

American Thinker: One of the things that might make you think things are different in Venezuela compared to the Eastern European communist regimes of the past is the fact that Venezuela is allowing people to flee the disintegrating socialist hellhole.  East Germans, by contrast, shot people trying to escape through the Berlin Wall.

Well, as with everything Chavista and communist, everything old is new again.

Venezuelans are facing substantial obstacles to fleeing because other nations, such as Peru, are starting to require passports.  That makes sense from Peru’s perspective, given that the Peruvians need to know who’s coming into their country, just as we need to know who’s coming into ours.

But it leaves a tremendous problem of refugee flight unaddressed.

The problem here is that Cubans control Venezuela’s passport issuance.  And guess what: they aren’t delivering them.  more here

6 Comments on Cubans create a Berlin Wall in passports for Venezuelans fleeing socialism

  1. Mattis announced today we’re sending the USS Comfort as temporary shelter for some. I don’t imagine they’d need a passport if they’re not going any further.

    What a tragedy. Maybe Sean Penn can be called in to explain how all this works, I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding.

  2. Free weight loss program! No need for toilet paper – you can use the currency! No more agonizing over consumer buying choices! The crime rate is immaterial – there’s nothing to steal! No need for a $15 per hour minimum wage – everyone now earns millions of Bolivars every year! Citizens can fast forward through those annoying pharmaceutical commercials without wondering what they are missing!

    Come on, Hollywood elitists – help me sell the benefits and wonders of Venezuela, your socialist paradise. Bernie, the fake Indian from Massachusetts and I can’t do this alone.

  3. Phuck them all. They voted for free stuff. They applauded the taking of other people’s money, capital, and labour. Now let them simmer in the hellish stew they created for themselves.

    I have no compassion for the free-loading pigs of Venezuela. They made their stye, let them wallow in it.

    I’m sorry if I sound cruel, but those people deserve the government they demanded. It is not incumbent of anyone to save them from their own greed. Everyone who wanted “free” stuff now gets to pay, (perhaps with their lives). But robbery comes at a price, sometimes.


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