Cardinal Says The Pope Is More Concerned With Environment Than Pedophilia Allegations – IOTW Report

Cardinal Says The Pope Is More Concerned With Environment Than Pedophilia Allegations

Daily Caller:

Pope Francis is facing serious accusations that he covered up sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, but a Chicago cardinal is saying the pope is more concerned with what he considered to be more important issues.

“The pope knows we have a bigger agenda. We have to speak about the environment, about the poor, we have to reach out to people who are marginalized in society. We cannot be distracted at this moment,” Blase Cupich, the ninth archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, said during an interview with WGN-TV.

Cupich — who is facing accusations himself — denies having any knowledge of sexual abuse against children and said he would have immediately reported any such cases.

“I did not have any pre-knowledge about this. I think that my record across 20 years as being a bishop would indicate that had I had any information about anybody who was abusing children or anybody else, I would have acted on it. So, the answer is a straight-forward ‘no,’” Cupich went on.

The issue stems from accusations made by Carlo Maria Vigano, who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016.  more

14 Comments on Cardinal Says The Pope Is More Concerned With Environment Than Pedophilia Allegations

  1. From what I’ve read about this issue they often did do something about it once the abuses were discovered. They transferred the pervert priest to another location and covered up the crime. Not the type of ‘doing something about it’ that was the correct moral thing to do.

  2. Blazing Cupcake is a extreme leftie, imposed on Chicago by an extreme leftie Pope. I was watching that interview on WGN when Cupcake emitted that stupid, stupid statement that the environment was more important for clergy (rather than whether fellow priests were diddling pubescent boys).

  3. “Francis figures it’ll be easier to drop the global temps by 3 degrees than to stop priests from abusing kids.

    They are infiltrators, they are tools of the devil and agents of hell, are not and never were priests.


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