Biden Family Corruption? – IOTW Report

Biden Family Corruption?


BPR: Turns out the Clintons are not the only prominent Democrat family engaged in questionable business deals.

Investigative journalist and author Peter Schweizer unpacked new details on shady business dealings going on in the family of former Vice President Joe Biden.

The Breitbart News Senior editor-at-large described “sketchy” dealings involving Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and foreign money, in an appearance on Fox News’ “The Next Revolution” on Sunday.

“We’re all familiar with globalization and the phenomenon as it relates to the economy and corporations. Well, corruption is being globalized as well,” Schweizer told host Steve Hilton.

“One of the best ways to make friends in Washington is to do deals with family members,” he said. “Joe Biden every year as vice president, he has to disclose his income, assuming those disclosures are honest. He can’t have a big, fat check from the Chinese government in that disclosure form, but his adult son, Hunter Biden, he doesn’t have to disclose anything.”  more here

SNIP: The image above is my favorite Biden photoshop done years ago by Hippie Critic.

16 Comments on Biden Family Corruption?

  1. I’ve harped on Hunter Biden enough but one more time.

    Joe got him a spot in the Navy while VP. He was 42 yo. Failed 2 drug tests for cocaine. Said the 6 months in Navy was proudest moments of his life. So I defy anyone to find a turd polished to a higher shine.

    He then went to work on the Board of a Ukraine gas concern while Joe was VP. No collusion there.

    But Hunter is not all work and no play. No, no. After his brother Beau died, Hunter divorced his wife so he could marry his dead brother’s wife.

    That’s just going the extra mile.

    Hunter is why Joe ain’t running for Pres.

  2. Cliche Guevara, harp away. Hunter Biden is a sad mimic of a Kennedy stereotype. His brother went like Ted, but Hunter’s death will surely involve some form of conveyance. And cocaine, of course.

  3. He’ll be easy to toss garbage at. And it is his garbage- he owns it.

    Joe Biden took his son Hunter on official trip to China – ten days before communist regime’s bank signed deal with private equity firm Biden jnr runs with John Kerry’s son, book reveals

    he’s good at ‘family values,’ too:
    “…Page Six reported on March 1, 2017, that Hallie Biden, the widow of Joe Biden’s late son Beau Biden, was in a relationship with Beau’s technically-still-married brother, Hunter Biden….” “…Kathleen, alleges that Hunter “created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests.” Said interests allegedly included “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations.””
    Don’t forget ashley madison, either.

    And don’t forget biden’s involvement in Larry Sinclair’s incarceration. That was right at the start of obama’s first campaign, and the acceptance of that set the stage for a lot of what we see going on in the doj/fbi today. They threw him in jail to shut him up.

  4. TT: All of Joe’s kids think Coke is the real thing.

    Which should be odd since he claims to have coined the term “War on Drugs”.

    Everyone probably remembers his daughter being caught on video doing rails and complaining that the lines weren’t big enough immediately after the 2008 election.

    Or his niece recently getting away with a six figure credit card scam.

  5. Toby cites Hunter Biden’s penchant for “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations.”

    And the rest of Hunter’s money? Well, he spent that foolishly.

  6. Joe understands the importance of physical touch or lack of it in a child’s life.

    When he was a choir boy, none of the priests liked him enough to molest him. And he never got over it.

  7. In order for Crazy Joe to be a successful politician in Delaware, he had to be both extremely crooked and stupid! It goes without saying that Crazy Joe is a hugely successful politician from Delaware!


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