FBI Refuses To Confirm Or Deny ICIG Warned Of Clinton Server Intrusion – IOTW Report

FBI Refuses To Confirm Or Deny ICIG Warned Of Clinton Server Intrusion

DC: The FBI refuses to disclose whether or not it met with senior members of the Intelligence Community Inspector General on the subject of foreign intrusion of former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s private server.

An FBI spokeswoman refused to confirm if Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) officials — including Frank Rucker, its chief investigator — briefed top bureau officials about evidence of penetration of Clinton’s private server by a Chinese government intelligence operation. “We have no comment,” she told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Earlier Wednesday, an FBI spokesman released what appeared to be a categorical statement about the Clinton server: “The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,” the FBI stated.

The statement does not address a central aspect of TheDCNF’s reporting, which was that the ICIG briefed top bureau officials on three separate occasions to warn the FBI of an “anomaly” they found 30,000 in-bound and outgoing emails. The report is based on an intelligence official with direct knowledge of the matter. The anomaly showed a code embedded in Clinton’s server was producing in real time a “courtesy copy” to a third party.

The third party was a Chinese state-owned company based in Northern Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C., and was part of an ongoing Chinese government intelligence operation, according to two separate sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

According to one source, the last ICIG briefing was held in June 2016 about a month before former FBI Director James Comey stated that he did not recommend any indictment of Clinton for mishandling classified materials.

Comey in that widely reported July 5, 2016 press conference stated he did not find “direct evidence” that Clinton’s email domain was successfully hacked.  more here

14 Comments on FBI Refuses To Confirm Or Deny ICIG Warned Of Clinton Server Intrusion

  1. This has gotten so far out of hand, that the only way out of this is if the people take matters into their own hands to clean out the swamp.Vote yes. It may come down to more then voting soon.
    It does not seen that the powers in charge can do the job.
    Then are all in on the game,(get rich get out)and we are the pawns.
    It just keeps getting worse and worse.
    Many people have died because of the Bitch of Benghazi,and now CIA people in China and who knows where else.
    The deep state is alive and working,just look at the love being showered on McCain who helped arm ISIS.

  2. So the bottom line is that Hillary was unknowingly leaking tons of secret Intel to the Chinese government with her bathroom server? And it led to the deaths of US intelligence officials and who knows what else? …ugh. Why isn’t this news again, I’m too tired to think deeply into that right now.

  3. Brad . You have no idea how hard it was for me to make that comment. I do not like to think that way. But what are we going to do. It has been done before.
    It starts like this: WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS…..
    I will be a part of the III%

  4. @chuffed-beyond-words: “So the bottom line is that Hillary was unknowingly leaking tons of secret Intel…”

    there was/is no ‘unknowingly” about it. On clinton’s part or anyone else in the intelligence community. They knew, and they were repeatedly advised that it was occurring. They did nothing and it continued. clinton is certainly not some innocent, computer-niave ‘woman.’ She created her communications structure, and had technicians running it for her. It was out of the government loop deliberately, by her design. They did what they were told. What we don’t know is what she told those technicians, or maybe more importantly now- what did the technicians tell clinton? A good tech, with the transmission of that many emails and files, would have been aware of at least some discrepancy.

  5. A direct question of veracity
    And the FBI refuses to answer ?

    Justification to FIRE anyone connected to this refusal.

    The FBI is in no way above the branches of government.

    The FBI is in no way above the people.

  6. Comey saying, he didn’t find any “direct evidence” Hillary’s emails were hacked. Isn’t the same thing as saying, he didn’t find “any evidence” the emails were hacked or he found “proof the emails were not” hacked.

    Two hours after the first time I came face to face with a black bear walking toward me while on foot (the bear darted into the woods only after a car drove by) I asked a park ranger what I should have done. He said, they “usually run away”. I said I noticed you didn’t say they “always run away”. You do realize that the words usually and always have a much different meaning, right?

    Same thing with Comey’s statement. Lawyer-speak to not tell the whole truth. While sounding as if he did if you’re not really paying attention.


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