CA Assemblyman Gives Up On Bill Making It Illegal To Advertise Sexual Identity Conversion Services – IOTW Report

CA Assemblyman Gives Up On Bill Making It Illegal To Advertise Sexual Identity Conversion Services

DC: A California assemblyman gave up his effort to pass a bill outlawing any efforts to advertise gay and gender identity conversion therapy Friday.

Sponsored by California Assemblyman Evan Low, who is gay,  AB 2943 would have made any “transaction intended to result or that results in the sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer [advertising] … sexual orientation change efforts with an individual” a fraudulent business practice. The bill would not have banned books, according to Low.

The state Assembly approved the measure in April and it passed California’s state Senate Aug. 16.

“It is my obligation as a Legislator to make this difficult decision in the interest of finding common ground. The path towards full equality is a long journey, but a journey best traveled together,” Low tweeted Friday, announcing that he would not further pursue the bill’s passage.

“I authored Assembly Bill 2943 to ensure a remedy for those who are deceived by this [conversion therapy] deceptive practice,” Low wrote in a Friday press release. “Despite the support the bill received in the Assembly and Senate, I will not be sending AB 2943 to the Governor this year,” Low continued.

“For far too long, LGBTQ Californians have been psychologically abused by sham therapists who are supposed to be caring for their emotional well-being,” said Equality California Executive Director Rick Zbur in a statement applauding the bill’s initial approval, according to NewNowNext.

Other groups view the legislation as an affront to free speech and the First Amendment.

“If passed, AB 2943 would have criminalized even ordinary religious speech on same-sex attraction, and it also would have forbidden LGBT persons from making a deeply personal choice to explore conversion therapy,” Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund Executive Director Daniel Piedra said in a Friday press release. “We applaud Assemblymember Low for understanding he represents all his California constituents.”  more here

4 Comments on CA Assemblyman Gives Up On Bill Making It Illegal To Advertise Sexual Identity Conversion Services

  1. Tried to read through this however it just reminded me of listening to Barry for the past 8 years. Filled with “I’s and me” and in the end no substance. Everywhere, everyone can go where they want. Do whatever you want to do. How much more do you need? I can only tell what I expect and that is my right as well. What you do it in public or the media to expose children, mine or anyone’s else s, since you never learned self respect for yourself or others, that’s when I draw the line. However your parents F’ed you up or allowed to be your way, that’s on them and you. Not me, my kids or anyone else. But the laws in place are not there to protect your learned mental illness. I hope a fatal traffic cone is in this confused anal orifices future.


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