Andrew ‘Sketchy’ Gillum – IOTW Report

Andrew ‘Sketchy’ Gillum

h/t Anonymous.

The following articles are about the Florida Socialist Democrat candidate for the governor’s seat, Andrew Gillum.
He has quite a ‘resume’.



Report: Andrew Gillum’s Brother Paid by Undercover FBI Agents Posing as Developers.

A story from Tallahassee Reports published Thursday offers details about an FBI investigation into possible corruption in the city of Tallahassee while Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee in Florida’s upcoming gubernatorial election, was mayor.

According to the story by Steve Stewart, FBI agents posing as developers made payments to Andrew Gillum’s brother, Marcus Gillum, as part of an effort to show they were seeking business with the city of Tallahassee.

“The payments were said to be in the thousands of dollars per month,” Stewart wrote. “The length of the engagement was not known.”

“Marcus Gillum’s name has surfaced in relation to the federal investigation several times,” he added. “Most notably he was mentioned in public reports as part of a group that vacationed in New York in August 2016. The group included FBI agents posing as developers, Adam Corey, and Mayor Andrew Gillum. Adam Corey, the former campaign treasurer to Mayor Andrew Gillum, is a central figure in the federal investigation and, at the time of the New York Trip, was a city [lobbyist] and a city vendor.”

[Here is the original article straight from  Tallahassee Reports.]

See Also:

Andrew Gillum’s Campaign Headquarters Home to Solar Business Involved with FBI Investigation.


Mayor Gillum’s Gubernatorial Campaign Paid Rent to His New PR Firm.

There’s more…

Andrew Gillum accused of using parking perks for campaign travel.

And it would be a shame if you missed this:

Sheriff Clarke says Gillum not tough enough to be Fla gov after crybaby ‘monkey’ reaction: ‘Guy is a wimp’.


21 Comments on Andrew ‘Sketchy’ Gillum

  1. Anything to be a “victim”
    Never let a good crisis go to waste.
    Don’t have one? No problem, just make one up!
    The statement is crystal clear in its intent. It has nothing whatsoever to do with “racism” or gutter politics and everything to do with a socialist agenda!
    Meanwhile something like what Kyle Greene says is perfectly acceptable:

    Kinda funny how ya never hear any White candidates saying:
    “I want to be your Cracker”

    Next up: All the racial strife and triggering caused by the Puppy Monkey Baby commercial:

    Where is the OUTRAGE!!

  2. Bongo,
    Andy could have been Mayor for Life around here, but got the idea to be Governor.
    I’m sure his plans for January 2017 had to be changed. He probably had big plans for a lot of photo ops with madam president.
    Only democrats run for city and county government offices.
    Andy has already put us on that Detroit track. We have no real industry – only state government and two universities (FSU and FAMU).

  3. I’m just hoping that a lot of the people who traditionally register democrat (those who want to participate in the local government elections in places like Leon County where only democrats run) got out there and voted for Andy to set it up where the weakest candidate got the nomination. I’ve heard people say that is why the register democrat. I consider that faulty logic. I would never ever have my name associated with today’s democrat party.
    If that is the case, those DINOs (democrat in name only) will vote solidly republic in the general, electing Governor Desantis and Senator Scott.

    NOTE: Our current Governor Rick Scott ran on his own money, takes a token one dollar a month salary, soles off the Governor’s aircraft (flies in his own planes).

  4. “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state,” DeSantis said. “That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”

    What has NOT BEEN ADDRESSED in this fake controversy? Gillum is essentially embracing the actual DeSantis accusations:
    – Gillum does propose a Socialist agenda that will bankrupt Florida
    – Gillum does want to hike taxes and that will damage Florida’s economy

  5. Page O
    But FAMU has a great band and they only murdered one drum major in a bus hazing incident.
    Mall security is beefed up on their homecoming weekend as they like to loot stores.

  6. DAN
    Lesson in Western History.
    about 60 years ago San Fran had a guy just like this that was Mayor. then about 20 years later his crooked Mafiosa daughter was San Fran Mayor. Alitos de la Costa Nostra.

    That should show that this crook in Fla clearly has a chance to win. We have elected bigger crooks to high office in the West.

    An I think in the last 25 years both Ohio + Ill have re-elected jail bird felons to the American House! Again YES HE CAN, AND MAYBE WILL, WIN!

  7. I live in FL and the white race is doomed. Every urban center in FL is 80% black. Jacksonville blacks have some of the highest birth rates in the world, the average single mother has 6.8 children per household. Do the math.


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