Modern Colonialism: The Left Seeks to Conquer Society – IOTW Report

Modern Colonialism: The Left Seeks to Conquer Society

LIBERTY NATION: Few today would say it’s okay to invade other civilizations and impose our social order upon them, but leftists have a special place for such conquerors in the lower rungs of hell. To them, there is no greater evil than colonization – Western colonization, that is. In Mongolia there is a humongous monument in celebration of the most brutal the world has ever seen: Genghis Khan.

Not only does Mongolia not apologize for Genghis Khan, they praise him as a national hero. What do we hear from the left on this? Crickets. The left’s focus on demonizing only Western colonization and ignoring all others creates a sneaking suspicion that the outrage is unconsciously channeled resentment of success rather than genuine moral concern.


But before we continue, what is colonization? In the hostile context of imperialism, it means to invade and appropriate someone else’s domain or territory, usually controlling, enslaving or displacing the indigenous people or culture.

By this definition, the progressive left are the modern colonizers. Consider their agenda: They don’t like the existing dominant conservative culture, and they want to replace it with new ideas and practices they consider superior. Leftists use aggressive and hostile strategies to achieve their goals, usually by strip-mining society for minorities and using them as clubs to browbeat the majority into submission.


Let’s start with a trivial example. America is a largely Christian country, but you are no longer allowed to say “Merry Christmas” because this allegedly hurts the feelings of some minority. Therefore, most TV stations and large corporations say “happy holidays” instead.

In Norway, which has been a Christian country for more than a millennium, progressive schools colonized Christmas by insisting on calling it “December gathering,” erased culturally sensitive words like “Santa Claus,” and secularized the lyrics of traditional Christmas carols. They ruined Christmas for most of the children in the name of “inclusivity.”

Let’s start with a trivial example. America is a largely Christian country, but you are no longer allowed to say “Merry Christmas” because this allegedly hurts the feelings of some minority. Therefore, most TV stations and large corporations say “happy holidays” instead.

In Norway, which has been a Christian country for more than a millennium, progressive schools colonized Christmas by insisting on calling it “December gathering,” erased culturally sensitive words like “Santa Claus,” and secularized the lyrics of traditional Christmas carols. They ruined Christmas for most of the children in the name of “inclusivity.”

2 Comments on Modern Colonialism: The Left Seeks to Conquer Society

  1. Not only do they colonize and attack the culture they ENSLAVE its inhabitants. The majority of the left are parasites (welfare and “entitlement” recipients, government workers, students, banker and white collar corporate carpetbaggers etc.) who depend upon the productive class (mostly conservatives) for their existence. What is truly amazing is how conservatives have allowed themselves to become enslaved by political manipulations and how they continue to put up with their slavery even when they are aware of it.


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