Operation Walk Back – IOTW Report

Operation Walk Back

Patriot Retort: Did you notice the mainstream news media’s absolute glee over the anti-Trump undercurrent at John McCain’s week-long funeral extravaganza?

Oh, how they delighted in the not-so-subtle digs at our sitting President.

Ana Navarro was so excited she was quivering like a spastic colon.

And for a woman like Ana, that kind of quivering actually garners a reading on a Richter scale.

Damn! We’re only two eulogies into the , and I keep wondering how Jarvanka haven’t yet slinked out of their seats and crawled on their hands and knees out of that church.

14 Comments on Operation Walk Back

  1. McShitStain had the temerity to croak just before the Labor Day weekend …

    the vast majority of the country didn’t bother to notice the passing of a failure

    the Wicked Witch of the West is dead & nothing they can do will bring him back … breathe deep, enjoy the serenity of the moment ………

  2. To be fair, many of these journos were little kids when Paul Wellstone died. They walked right into this trap. I can’t speak for the older fools who should have known better.

    This whole election cycle is playing out like some weird hybrid of 2002 and 2016. The entire Democrat machine is even acting like Hillary, believing that because they are the party out of the Presidency in the midterm, it’s automatically their turn to win. I am confident that, barring massive voter fraud, the Republicans will gain seats in both the House and Senate.

  3. Let us see what Meghan does on the next “View”. Someone needs to remind them that cancer, not Donald Trump, killed John McCain.

    Total cheap shot to push for the use of Air Force 2, which has to come from Trump’s OK, to then ambush members of the 1st Family at the service. Total set up that should be remembered by all involved. Don’t let Lindsay Graham sweet talk us out of the nice things that the McCains had to say about Ivanka’s condolences. (Especially after the hug he gave Huma Abedin.)

    Hopefully Mattis has video of all the uniforms that were enthusiastically clapping when they were slamming the President. Seemed like there were a bunch. At least Mad Dog picked up on the Graham/Abedin love feast.

  4. Tony R, the radioactivity from this Blue Wake has a long half life. And elephants have long memories. The Dems made a long-lasting bad impression last week. What is amazing is that they’ll probably step in a bigger bucket before the election.

  5. I was especially disgusted with Bush. That twitchy jerk never let out a peep during eight years of Obozo yet he really plowed into Trump. He still must be upset about the trouncing the president gave his brother Yeb.
    I hope he understands that he sucked so bad as president we wound up with Barky and the tranny too.


    the TV I watched spent as much time of the liberal GOP man you talk about as they did on the rest of the show. Kept aiming a camera on him, they really loved it when he “whispered SWEET NOTHINS” in her ear. Got to see that far too many times. (Are Bush and Michell having an affair?)

    their “analysts” all said it showed that “real” Republicans like Obama and hate Don!

    What is a “real” Republican?

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