146 Illegal Aliens Arrested in Ohio Meatpacking Raid, 13 Used Fake IDs – IOTW Report

146 Illegal Aliens Arrested in Ohio Meatpacking Raid, 13 Used Fake IDs

Breitbart – After nearly 150 suspected illegal aliens were arrested at an Ohio meatpacking plant, 13 illegal aliens have been charged with using fraudulent identities to appear as though they were working in the United States legally.

In June, 146 suspected illegal aliens — primarily from Guatemala — were arrested at the Fresh Mark meatpacking plant in Salem and Massillon, Ohio in one of the largest worksite Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids of the year.

Since the ICE raid, 13 illegal aliens have now been hit with federal charges for allegedly using fake identities to gain employment at Fresh Mark, Cleveland.com reports.

All but two of the 13 illegal aliens charged are from Guatemala. The other two illegal aliens are from Mexico.

A lawsuit filed in 2001 against Fresh Mark accused the meat processor of knowingly hiring illegal aliens for decades and even having employees forge work documents for illegal aliens so they could appear as though they were working legally in the U.S.  more

12 Comments on 146 Illegal Aliens Arrested in Ohio Meatpacking Raid, 13 Used Fake IDs

  1. It appears that ICE is getting proficient at finding fake IDs, and that is good.
    They should take a look at obama’s ID- his birth certificate, selective service registration and social security number. Otherwise, they are discriminating.

  2. I remember stories from years ago that illegals make up the majority of labor in meat packing plants. Lots of angry 3rd worlders with very sharp knives working in close proximity to one another made lacerations and stab wounds the number one industrial accident.

  3. There are multiple websites selling phony IDs and most of them are American front companies who get them made in China. If you’ve ever seen one (I have) it would take a very trained eye to spot them, and even then it would probably just be a good guess. They’re that convincing. Pay with your debit card and a little package from China shows up with the fake ID hidden in the packaging of some cheap trinket. I’m sure they don’t stop with drivers’ licenses.

  4. All these illegal aliens should be deported after serving time………and not just deported to Mexico or central America, but should wake up beside a dusty road in Somalia and see a C130 flying away!!!!

  5. We need to start going after the companies that hire illegals. My step-daughter works for a Washington State orchardist, doing payroll. They know these people are illegal and do everything they can to keep them. The stories she tells!

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