Democrats Want The Government To Take Over Your Health Care – IOTW Report

Democrats Want The Government To Take Over Your Health Care


Mike Huckabee | Former Governor of Arkansas:

The nightmare of government-controlled health care will be closer to reality for the American people if the Democrats win in November.

Imagine having to wait endless hours to see someone at an emergency room at a dirty, understaffed hospital that is as much a risk to your health as the problem that brought you there. Imagine waiting weeks, if not months, for an appointment with a specialist. Imagine not being able to get the drugs or treatment you need because the bureaucrats — not doctors — who decide your medical fate have decreed that they are too expensive.

This is the horrific reality of government-controlled healthcare.



Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for all” is becoming more popular with the Democrat Party, despite the fact that government-run health care is a proven deadly disaster. The horrors of the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) and the failures of Obamacare — not to mention countless health service horror stories from countries like the United Kingdom and Canada — are testaments to this grim fact.

The list of VA system atrocities is a mile long. In 2015, it was reported that 307,000 veterans may have died waiting for their applications for care to be processed by the VA.

Before President Trump’s overhaul of the VA became law, it was reported that new patients had to wait an average of 18 days to see a doctor. An inspector general investigation found that conditions inside the VA Medical Center in Washington, D.C., were so horrific that patients faced imminent danger due to a lack of sanitary equipment.

Democrats want you to believe that socialist medicine is the best way to bring you the healthcare you need. But if the government can’t even take care of our veterans, what makes us think they’ll take care of the rest of us?

Democrats also refuse to admit the failures of Obamacare, another grim example of what happens when government interferes with healthcare.  more here

8 Comments on Democrats Want The Government To Take Over Your Health Care

  1. FTA,”Democrats want you to believe that socialist medicine is the best way to bring you the healthcare you need.”

    Republicans run for office wanting you to believe they are serious about repealing Obamacare. If only we had the Senate. If only we had a President who would sign the bill.

    Don’t support the RNC, support Conservatives.


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