Fragile Dems Need Therapy Dogs Just To Get Them To Vote – IOTW Report

Fragile Dems Need Therapy Dogs Just To Get Them To Vote

CT: Democrats are singularly focused on reclaiming majority power in Congress in the midterm elections as part of their broader agenda to obstruct President Donald Trump and ultimately see him removed from office, either by way of impeachment or in the 2020 election.

In order to retake control of Congress, Democrats need a massive turnout of voters on their behalf in November — the much-heralded “blue wave” — and that means the party needs significant participation in the midterms by two key voting blocs for them, minorities and millennials, both of whom tend not to show up in great numbers at the polls in off-year elections.

In order to rectify that trend, a liberal political advocacy group known as NextGen America — created and funded by progressive billionaire Tom Steyer — has launched what is being billed as a “Pups to the Polls” gimmick on college campuses to try and register young voters ahead of the elections, according to Bloomberg.   MORE

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