The Left Attacks Mexican-Jewish Woman As White Supremacist – IOTW Report

The Left Attacks Mexican-Jewish Woman As White Supremacist

U.S. Attorney Rips White Supremacist Allegations Against His Wife Stemming From Kavanaugh Hearing.

Daily Caller: United States Attorney John Bash attacked the white supremacist allegations that are now being associated with his wife, Zina Bash, over the way her hands rested during Tuesday’s congressional confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh.

Bash is a former Kavanaugh clerk who previously worked in President Donald Trump’s administration. With her arms crossed, it appeared as if Bash was making an “Okay” sign on her forearm. That hand gesture is allegedly associated with white supremacy.

Her husband adamantly refuted the accusations on Twitter. He called them a “vicious conspiracy theory,” and explained that his wife is Mexican and her grandparents were Holocaust survivors.  MORE

14 Comments on The Left Attacks Mexican-Jewish Woman As White Supremacist

  1. Mr Bash tweets: “I know that there are good folks on both sides of the political divide.”

    If the last couple of years and especially the last 10 days has not shown you that the Left is the embodiment of pure Evil, then I pity you. As a US Attorney, if you are not part of the Deep-State, then man up and call these curs out for the fascistic scum they are.

    The time for playing defense is OVER!

  2. Eddie Murphy’s “OH TAY!” hardest hit.

    If only 4chan could get a nickel every time some Leftist idiot repeated the fake “WP hand sign” story, they’d be rich!

  3. WTF? I didn’t even know there was a white supremacist hand signal! Maybe I better get my white paddy ass to some of those “White Boys” meeting and get up to speed.

    Any respect I ever had for ANY dimocRAT is sooooo long gone I can’t even engage in conversation with a liberal…even about the weather!

  4. I’m suspicious of her. Did anyone see the video of her just before resting her arm that way? It looks like she is receiving a text message, takes her time reading it, puts the phone down, and somewhat awkwardly positions her hand on her arm. It looks like she received instructions to do that. I don’t have the answer, but it looks suspicious.

  5. Loco, I don’t know what she is trying to say. All I’m saying is the video makes it look like she was instructed to do what she did. I’ve spent the last hour trying to find if. It’s about 1 minute long, on a Fox News feed.

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