University Encourages Students to Report Hurt Feelings to Bias Response Team – IOTW Report

University Encourages Students to Report Hurt Feelings to Bias Response Team

Legal Insurrection: Grand Valley State is basically encouraging students to snitch on each other. How does this foster an environment of learning?

The College Fix reports:

University encourages students to report feeling ‘belittled, disrespected’ to bias team

If students get their feelings hurt at Grand Valley State University, officials want to know about it.

The Michigan-based public university encourages students to report when they feel “belittled, disrespected or isolated” to the school’s bias response team, which promises to review the matter, according to its website.

“Grand Valley State University strives to create an inclusive and equitable campus community where people are treated with dignity and respect. If anyone in the Grand Valley community feels belittled, disrespected, or isolated based on their identity, there is a mechanism to report the incident,” the university’s website states.  more here

12 Comments on University Encourages Students to Report Hurt Feelings to Bias Response Team

  1. Hurt feelinga?

    65 years ago when my football coach called me a co*k suc*ing dum shi* my feelings were hurt so bad I still have not recovered! He would later call me a dumb piece of sh*t!

    I cried for decades! I still have nightmares!

    Dwight MacCraken was his name! He was also my Algebra teacher; and threw chalk at me many times – how will I ever get over it? May have hit once or twice.

    full disclosure

    My wife is part MacCraken; bless her! Stood by me over 55 years; must be crazy!

  2. But, they’ve got a College of Engineering and Computing. And Health Professions. And Nursing. All overseen by the people who created the Bias Response Team. So, it must be all sciency. And stuff. What else could it mean?

  3. Just as LBJ doomed the black family with his “War On Poverty”, progressives have doomed an entire generation of young people with political correctness. They will never amount to anything.

  4. I remember being humiliated by a shirt sleeve “aunt” (mother of four boys all under the age of 7) who turned just long enough from her tasks at the stove to tell me I was a “tattle tale” for ratting out her oldest for some heinous crime against me. I hated her.

    “Tattle Tale, go to jail, stick your head in a garbage pail!”

  5. The real fun will start after some darn fool at Grand Valley State announces hurt-feelings were culturally appropriated emotions from another culture. They won’t know whether to fill their pants or go blind.

  6. Blink September 5, 2018 at 10:55 pm

    Now that would be funny. Call a white person a fat-lipped jungle-bunny. Tell a black guy he can’t dance or play basketball. Ask a limp-wristed urban queer if he likes guns and fishing.

  7. Overload the Bias Team. Report “hurt fewings” on someone who is half the campus away at the time. Overload the BTeam with so many reports that they won’t know whether to shit or go blind.


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