I Really Don’t Feel Like Submitting To Socialist Tyranny. Do You? – IOTW Report

I Really Don’t Feel Like Submitting To Socialist Tyranny. Do You?

Schlichter/Town Hall:

Socialism’s legacy is heaps of bloody corpses scattered across a landscape of hunger and despair, but the youthful neo-commie hipsters infesting our colleges and coastal cities want to give it another try here and now since they’re smart and they won’t screw it up this time. Uh huh. Because when I look at millennials, I see a generation of achievers – achieving unbroken eye contact with their iPhones, achieving hitherto unimagined heights of undeserved self-regard, and achieving convincing their parents to support them into middle age. If anyone can make socialism work – by which I mean the pipe dream of it not being a slaughterhouse of soul crushing tyranny – it’s these winners. At least that’s what Chet thinks.

Chet’s my unicorn.

Me? I think I’d prefer freedom. Yes, I definitely prefer freedom. And I think that if they want to take away my freedom, they should be ready to fight to the death. I’m not super butch warrior guy, but still I’d rather bleed out on a pile of hot brass than live as the slave of a Chardonnay-swilling socialist ruling nomenklatura based in Brooklyn.

Oh, I’m not kidding. I walked around in the ruins of socialism overseas. My wife’s family escaped it. When you talk about a socialist revolution, you better be ready to bring one because I and a couple hundred million other patriots are not having it.


7 Comments on I Really Don’t Feel Like Submitting To Socialist Tyranny. Do You?

  1. How hard is it to convince these millennials that socialism doesn’t work? It’s really hard, I suspect. It probably takes a special school emphasizing a particular type of education: THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS.

  2. Don’t call it Socialism
    It’s Communism
    Just because the D-Rats were able to destroy
    Joe McCarthy back in the 50″s doesn’t mean
    Communism does not exist.
    You’re just not supposed to say
    because D-Rats want to control your use of language.
    And autocratic tyranny is the same under any name.
    Ever wonder why the D-Rats want to accumulate
    everything about you
    thru media and social networking ?
    They don’t want to control you
    Altho they can.
    If they can,

  3. When I was younger, I read a lot of self-help books. The common themes were (a) have concrete goals and (b) apply a laser-like focus and dedication towards achieving those goals regardless of the cost.

    Let’s look at “socialist” leaders of the 29th century through the eyes of the self-help gurus. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro – all had goals of achieving ultimate power in their respective nations and in most cases, world domination. And all were driven with a ruthless and narrow minded singular drive to achieve their goals. These individuals killed, sometimes including their friends and family, to achieve their goals, and they killed, tortured and starved millions to maintain their status.

    What was the common tool to convince the masses to help these maniacs accomplish their goals? Promises of greed, sloth, fear, status, power and material gain; or in broader terms socialism and communism. We will take from the rich and redistribute to the poor; you don’t have to do anything but follow me and give up some personal freedom. And in the end, they ended taking everything from everybody.

    Mr. Schlichter does a wonderful job of applying basic math and logic to how and why socialism fails. But Sanders, Clinton, Harris, Warren and a host of other leftists know that large numbers of ignorant and stupid people must be harnessed to achieve their own personal goals so they promise them a system which, as Mr. Schlichter points out, can never work. And it is no accident that throughout history, the ignorant and stupid people who are the primary tools are the young.

  4. Considering this country began with people who no longer wished to be accountable to a tyrant, and ended up being the world’s success story, I find no reason to change.
    I do find reason to defend it, with ay means necessary.


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