Modelling – Anorexic to Obese – IOTW Report

Modelling – Anorexic to Obese

Last week we saw Tess Holliday on the cover of Cosmopolitan, and it definitely caused a discussion. The idea of a morbidly obese woman appearing on the front of a magazine was considered powerful and inspiring by some, and dangerous by others.


It’s interesting how the modelling industry has gone from anorexic to obese. It’s a conscious and political decision, and certainly not one made by men. For a long time, the appearance of models has been blamed on straight men – but the research shows that men simply like healthy women in between anorexic and obese.  Watch

33 Comments on Modelling – Anorexic to Obese

  1. Cosmo will never show women on their cover who represent the majority of women in America. It will always be someone at some extreme. They don’t want women looking at the model on the cover, then looking at themselves and saying, “No thanks, Cosmo. I got that covered.”


    Assuming he wakes up – that it didn’t roll over and crush him to death.

    Or that he didn’t suffocate in the sweaty folds of flab.

    Remember the guy with the 23″ dildo stuck up his ass? She could lose a 180 lb. man in the folds under her belly.


    izlamo delenda est …

  3. To each his own, but that big fat tub of shit doesn’t do a thing for me. Neither does rolling around in a bed full of broomsticks, which is what a lot of their other models impressed me as having to offer.

  4. Neither extremes (anorexia or obesity) attracted me, even though the individuals may be kind, considerate and compassionate.

    I wasn’t looking for a model, but I was very interested in a woman with those characteristics that would be a role model for our future children and love me with all my faults.

    After 46 years of marriage, I’d say I did well.

  5. I’m overweight (although not as bad as that girl), and there is nothing happy about it. Maybe it’s just transference on my part, but I think being grossly overweight is a symptom of depression or unhappiness.

  6. What picture? I only read the articles. At least that’s what I’ve always heard when men reference Playboy.

    Oops speaking of cheesecake. Burt Reynolds just died.

  7. “…but the research shows that men simply like healthy women in between anorexic and obese.”

    Yup! It is hard-wired into our DNA. Normal men are sexually attracted to women who look healthy. It is designed by God for the propagation of the species. Fashion designers (usually gay) try and disrupt the natural order of things.

  8. Since the postmodern Left (redundant, I know) are all sciency and stuff, someone at Cosmo must have overlooked the overwhelming conclusion of recent cancer studies. Obesity has a direct link to all kinds of cancer. Add in all the other causes of cancer and obesity is one thing you can actually do something about. To encourage women to feel satisfied with excess body weight is pretty irresponsible. I thought all the media were about fighting for the ideal social causes.


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