Study Finds Hiring of Chief Diversity Officer Doesn’t Increase Campus Diversity – IOTW Report

Study Finds Hiring of Chief Diversity Officer Doesn’t Increase Campus Diversity

Legal Insurrection:

It’s almost like the hiring of pointless diversity administrators is an exercise in virtue signaling.

Reason reports:

New Study Finds Zero Evidence That Hiring a Chief Diversity Officer Produces More Diversity on Campus

Campus diversity czars frequently draw massive salaries. The University of Michigan’s chief diversity officer, for example, rakes in $396,000 a year.

Is that money well spent? Probably not. A new study went looking for evidence that employing a chief diversity official produced a more diverse faculty and came back empty-handed.   read more

9 Comments on Study Finds Hiring of Chief Diversity Officer Doesn’t Increase Campus Diversity

  1. The study authors were looking the wrong way. We know that “diversity” as that word is used by left-collectivists means stamping out the diversity of individuals and their personal values if they differ from progressive orthodoxy. We’ve seen that university campuses are steadily becoming more radically left-wing year after year. It sure looks to me as though these chief diversity officers have been very successful.

  2. You can’t eliminate the Diversity Officer position; what will you do with all those graduates with degrees in “Gender Studies”? There’s only so many Starbuck’s Barista jobs available!

  3. The government always shows a great talent & deliberate purpose for giving titles for positions, departments, and laws that are the exact opposite of their real purpose or outcome result.

    Did the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act do any of those things? I think not. Mostly the opposite. Same thing with a chief diversity officer.

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