Trudeau Mocked For Saying Diversity Is Leading To ‘Entropy’ – IOTW Report

Trudeau Mocked For Saying Diversity Is Leading To ‘Entropy’

DC: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggested Friday in Ottawa that the world is “moving towards more diversity” that will create “entropy.” Trudeau apparently didn’t know the word entropy means a decline into chaos.

“The world is moving towards more diversity, not less diversity. It’s a form of entropy where people will come with different perspectives, the advancement of communication, raising standards of living around the world…[it] means that our communities, our boardrooms, are going to be more and more diverse,” Trudeau said at a forum in Canada’s capitol.  MORE

20 Comments on Trudeau Mocked For Saying Diversity Is Leading To ‘Entropy’

  1. “The world is moving towards more diversity, not less diversity. It’s a form of entropy…(devolving into chaos)” YOU ARE CORRECT!!!

    I guess even a blind squirrel will find an acorn every now and then.

  2. I hope he realizes he’s created a new mountain for himself to climb. It’ll be near impossible to outdo that stupidity. Personally though, I think the kids up to the task.

  3. Stupid and Confident are a dangerous liaison….

    In the real World You see them killed or maimed in Construction

    accidents and Youtube Videos….Not in Politics though…

    They’re exalted.

  4. Entropy is the “perfect state of existence where there is no more activity, even on the atomic level.” Matter and energy have acquired equilibrium.

    In other words – the Universe is dead.

    There is one temperature – no gradations – no hot – no cold – no sun – no light – no motion – the aim of every socialist in the benighted, horrid, mendacious history of socialism.

    Death. Annihilation. Without God. Without Satan. Without good. Without evil. Total nothingness. The fantasy of the nihilist.

    izlamo delenda est …


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