Italy: Salvini’s Deportation Plan – IOTW Report

Italy: Salvini’s Deportation Plan

Breitbart London:

Populist Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has revealed he will be presenting his deportation plan in the coming days after noting the massive recent increase in migrant criminal suspects.

The League (Lega) leader is expected to announce new decrees in the coming days that will first seek to eliminate the ‘humanitarian residency’ permit, which is given to asylum seekers who do not qualify for full asylum but are allowed to remain in the country anyway, Il Giornale reports.

The second major change Salvini is looking to put forward is shifting the amount of money spent on asylum seeker reception and moving it toward voluntary and forced repatriation.

For 2018 Salvini is hoping to provide 500 thousand euros toward a repatriation fund, which will be followed by an increase to 1.5 million in 2019 and 2020.

Migrant crime has also been a rising problem in Italy and Salvini highlighted recent Interior Ministry data that showed that more than half of the people arrested by police in the last week were migrants.

“More immigration means more delinquency, the numbers are clear,” Salvini said, adding: “to have managed to reduce so many landings and arrivals, despite threats and complaints, is a reason for pride for me.” MORE

8 Comments on Italy: Salvini’s Deportation Plan

  1. Very good start, Mr. Prime Minister. Keep up the good work.

    Suggestion: any vessel intercepted trying to offload illegal aliens should be confiscated (after its current cargo returned to sender) and used for repatriating those illegals who are already in-country.

  2. Paying them to repatriate is insane.

    The best plan is announced after it’s executed and upon completion, especially when they riot, back in their own countries.

  3. Hey Larry – The premise of your fight to stamp out “hate speech” is that if there weren’t such speech there wouldn’t be any hate. It follows that there wouldn’t be any racism if people didn’t talk about racism.

    Therefore, it’s racist to talk about racism.


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