Obama taking credit for Trump’s economy – IOTW Report

Obama taking credit for Trump’s economy

31 Comments on Obama taking credit for Trump’s economy

  1. Lazlo has no use for Electric Merkle.
    Don’t want his Bitch-ass Mulatto sissified posturing and vocal duck sounds to take up my prodigious mental processing time.
    If he lights himself on fire, or runs himself over with his own golf cart, I will run to the TV. For anything less: Not interested

  2. Technically he is responsible, just not the way he’d like “folks”(his go to dog whistle) to believe…….obammy-nanny led/drug/dragged/shoved/sucked us so far down a shit hole, he made TRUMP inevitable and easy for TRUMP to right the ship.

  3. Five minutes & 34 seconds of self inflicted torture listening to that sob. And I should have scrolled down to avoid watching him. His constant looking left & right, never looking directly at the listeners, always annoyed the heck out of me. It’s only redeeming quality is that it’s a sure signal he’s lying because an honest person looks you in the eye. Both he and the sheeple applauding audience conveniently ignored what he said two years ago at 1:29 about jobs never coming back & then trying to take credit for those jobs and additional jobs coming back.

  4. Blink the guy can not talk with out his teleprompter.
    I listened to much of the garbage that came out of his mouth, he looks like a very scared guy. so many lies and 100+ i’s and me’s

  5. The sing-song cadence of his voice is enough to break the most hardened ISIS fighter. It is pure torture never mind the drivel he spews forth. Let’s see your college transcripts smart boy.

    I’ll be sending him a carton of unfiltered Lucky Strikes for Ramadan or what ever the next Godless muzzy holiday is in the hopes that he smokes himself to death within my lifetime.

  6. Obama suppressed the economy so much that it rebounded dramatically when Trump’s policies were instituted. Without Obama being so bad, the contrast wouldn’t be nearly this clear. But I don’t think that was what he meant.

  7. By what standard were we in a recovery during the Obama presidency?

    The actual definition of economic recovery:

    “An economic recovery is the phase of the business cycle following a recession, during which an economy regains and exceeds peak employment and output levels achieved prior to downturn. A recovery period is typically characterized by abnormally high levels of growth in real gross domestic product, employment, corporate profits, and other indicators.”

  8. “…let’s just remember when this recovery started…”

    Okay, let’s do that. According to the legend, the first Summer of Recovery was 2009, right? So then we move on to the second Summer of Recovery in 2010, then the third in 2011, and so on, until we get to 2017 and then…hey Michael Mann, I think I found your Hockey Stick.

  9. He has the same snotty gestures as Benito Mussolini, another contemptuous bastard.
    This from today’s New York Post:
    “Just when you think The New York Times has hit rock bottom, columnist Paul Krugman proves it can go lower.
    ‘Kavanaugh Will Kill the Constitution,’ declared the headline on his Friday column, a rant about tribalism, stolen court seats and the end of everything enlightened people like him hold dear. Alas, predictions are not Krugman’s strong suit.
    Although an economist, he insisted stock markets would never recover from Trump’s election and said 3 percent GDP growth was beyond reach.
    So the Constitution is safe.”
    Michael Goodwin NYP. 9/9/18 mgoodwin@nypost.com

  10. I caught the last 15 minutes of 0bama’s speech from Illinois a couple days ago. It’s now clear to me that the ramping-up of Lefty hysterics and rhetoric during the week were all coordinated to be the opening act for 0bama taking the stage.

    Classic 0bama. The Twilight Zone begins a new season. Hope and Change is back. Everything good is because of his policies. Everything bad is because there are other people who have different ideas. All of those other people are the cause of the political upheaval the media tells you about. You can help make all those other people go away if you only get out and vote. Yes, America, everything was perfect for 8 years and then fell apart into chaos, division, and white supremacy in less than 2. You don’t need a messiah, 0 says, but do continue to hope (in him and the Democrats) and change can occur.

    Don’t miss the fact that it was 0bama and NOT HILLARY sent out to motivate the base going into the mid-terms. Why? Wasn’t she the one elected president by Americans with the popular vote, only to have it stolen away? Nope, it’s Jesus of Kenya, with his Impenetrable Force-Field of Blackness, able to deflect all opposing views with the mere suggestion of Racism! That’s why. Put racial identity front-and-center and stoke resentments all over again. Also, Hillary is not available as she is back in New Zealand for another round of blood replacement therapy to treat her Kuru.

  11. ‘ How exactly is he ( Trump ) gonna bring all those jobs back ?

    What kind of Magic Wand does he have ? ”

    Well, there is appointing staff members who look out for the interests of American workers, for one.

    And then there is this.

    Trump is calling out trade swindlers and their cheating practices.

    One way the Chinese, Germans and others have exploited Nafta loopholes is by circumventing ‘ Nation Of Origin’ rules.

    They ship their raw product to Canada or Mexico, have it assembled there and then sell it in the $ 20 Trillion U.S. market without paying any kind of tariff because it has a ‘Made In Canada’ or ‘Hecho In Mexico’ stamp on it.

    TRUMP is the man finally confronting that theft. He did not simply take campaign donations for TV commercials at election time so he would go along with TPP and NAFTA like every other President since Clinton did.

    Policy, not sorcery, Mr. Obama.

    …which is good for Barry, because the only ‘Magic Wand ‘ he has belongs to ‘ Michelle’ , and rests on his chin.


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