Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel sets up universal income task force – IOTW Report

Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel sets up universal income task force

FOX: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel will form a task force that will consider implementing the so-called “universal basic income” program in the city, as the embattled mayor seeks to cement his progressive legacy after promising not to run for another term.

The idea for the program, which would make monthly payments to a number of Chicago families without any conditions, has been floated around in the city for months now.

Back in June, Chicago’s North Side Ald. Ameya Pawar introduced a resolution calling upon the mayor to launch the pilot of the program and pay 1,000 families $500 every month.

The new task force set up by Emanuel, according to the Chicago Tribune, will have a panel that will decide whether such welfare initiative could work in the city. MORE


12 Comments on Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel sets up universal income task force

  1. Universal Basic Income, paying people for being alive, Bribes for votes… etc, etc…
    Socialism comes in many names, don’t it?!?!

    Gee Wally, the only real question is how much do democRATs have to pay for Dead voters?

    Well Beave, Chicago is a union town, so probably a lot more than in a State where they have democRAT Right to Cheat precedents..

  2. According to Benjamin Fulford speaking from Japan, “Dead Fish Rahm is at the Penultimate of the Cabal” and can run and win anywhere he wishes to Govern. Basically the Voting machines would be under Cabal control when He was involved. ( Bloodlines )


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