Michael Moore, stiffing the little guy? – IOTW Report

Michael Moore, stiffing the little guy?


American Thinker: Leftist film director Michael Moore, who made a fortune on portraying corporate America as heartless, capitalism as thievery, and Castrocare as the cat’s meow, has been credibly accused in a lawsuit of stiffing the little guy.  Yes, that’s the same Michael Moore who makes movies loudly proclaiming he champions common people – the single mother, the assembly line worker, the common stiff in Ohio.  He is, after all, from Flint, Michigan, where he once edited an alternative media publication, and supposedly knows all the Detroit rivetheads.

Film festivals are not immune to disputes and lawsuits – the Sundance Film Festival has had a few, but its disputes are generally over content and copyright issues, not about paying bills.  Moore’s Traverse City Film Festival, by contrast, is all about a film fest that’s falling apart, apparently from being unable to attract sufficient fat cat support – or a crowd.  Instead of cutting back or trying a new approach, Moore’s group – which he’s the founder and public face of – is responding by turning mean on its vendors: stiffing them for six-figure sums and then smearing them as lousy providers when they try to recoup their costs.  Apparently, they went after the wrong one, because first a famed film critic made a video defending the poor stiffed vendors, and now the left-wing Daily Beast has noticed that something is off. MORE

10 Comments on Michael Moore, stiffing the little guy?

  1. He looks like he lost about 250 lbs and his skin never retracted back around him.You just know that his sloppy disheveled look comes with a unbearable stench of old perspiration and bad food that was consumed and leached out threw his skin.
    The average homeless person shows more attention to their personal hygiene. It’s a certainty that he attracts large numbers of hungry insects both feeding and revisiting their implanted larva.

  2. Fat slob Mikey Moor
    2004 : tried to take credit for W’s dethroning
    via his fake-umentary, Faggotheit 911
    and smugly walking around Cannes trying to
    look important and not just ugly.

    FF to 2018 : Thinks he’ll dethrone the Donald
    with a new lying fake-umentary.
    Can’t wait to see the slob fall on his face again
    altho his gut hits the bricks 3 seconds prior.

    Only because of his leftist extremism
    He’s not considered washed-up


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