Last Week In Review – IOTW Report

Last Week In Review


This week, we introduce a new feature at the Campaign Update – The Week in Review.

Ok, actually we introduced this last Friday evening, but failed to take the time and space to point it out.  We’re going to plan to post one of these every Saturday afternoon at least through the end of this year’s mid-term election campaign, at which point the plan is to assess their utility (and readership level) and decide whether they should be continued.

In putting these Campaign Updates together every morning, it often becomes impossible to adequately capture all the big things that are taking place related to our national politics.  Every day has multiple news cycles, as the leftwingers in our fake news media and the Democrat Party become increasingly panicked about their prayed-for “Blue Wave” failing to materialize and the growing reality that Robert Mueller is systematically taking the steps necessary to wind down his fruitless “investigation.”

We can only expect the pace of fakenewsery to speed up even more during the 8 weeks remaining until Election Day, meaning that, in order to keep everyone updated on the campaign, the Campaign Update must work a little overtime.

The plan here is to summarize the week’s major events in bullet point format, heaping as many insults and pithy comments upon all the snowflakes, SJWs, fake newsers and other creatures on the political left as we can think to include.  Links to relevant stories will, as always, be included where relevant and useful.

So here we go with the Campaign Update Week in Review, Episode 2.

This was the week that all the following happened:

  • Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, a shameless SJW himself, admitted that his “conservative employees “don’t feel safe to express their opinions” while in the Twitter corporate workplace.  Man, what do you think tipped him off?


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